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Book Cover For Beware 7
Beware 7 (7 of 14)
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Additional Information
PublicationJanuary 1954 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Bi-monthly
CreditsPencils: Harry Harrison? | Inks: Harry Harrison?
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Publisher advertisementCrime Mysteries (1 page)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesHouse ad for Crime Mysteries. Cover of current issue shown in the ad.
Comic StoryThe Life of Riley (8 pages)
SynopsisRiley, a bank robber, gets away with $60 thousand after a heist, he needs to hide out. He stays with The Duchess who he expects to help him get away.
CreditsPencils: Myron Fass (signed) | Inks: Myron Fass (signed)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Riley; Mame; The Duchess; Lulu; Bombo.
NotesH: The Nameless One (I)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement for a "Health-supporter belt". Basically a girdle. Ad by Ronnie Sales Inc. Located between pages 6 and 7 of first story.
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement for Charles Atlas body building book.
Comic StoryGuest of the Ghouls (6 pages)
SynopsisJavit steals interesting tombstones from cemeteries. An old caretaker forbids him to enter a mausoleum but he does. Coffins open and ghouls emerge. They try to wrestle Javitt into a coffin but he escapes. Outside the mausoleum he again meets the caretaker who this time identifies himself as Death. Javitt dies for stealing from Death's realm.
CreditsPencils: Sid Check (signed) | Inks: Sid Check (signed) | Letters: Herb Field?
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Javitt Rodman; Death; Ghouls
Comic StoryHeads of the Dead (6 pages)
SynopsisA witch doctor forbids Harwood to hunt a sacred tiger, but he ignores him and kills the animal. That night the witch doctor transforms Harwood into an antelope, a leopard, and a wild pig, and, with each transformation, he is killed by his friends. At dawn, Harwood is restored to his true self, but the scared tiger returns to life. It chases Harwood into am elephant pit where he is impaled upon sharpened stakes.
CreditsPencils: Vince Napoli? | Inks: Vince Napoli? | Letters: Herb Field?
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Wallace Harwood (big game hunter); Indian Witch Doctor; Wallace's Fellow Hunters
AdvertisementAngel Chimes (1 page)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement for musical chimes by Illinois Merchandise Mart.
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement promoting a sale by the Ideal Co.
Text StoryThe Devil Shares a Body (2 pages)
SynopsisAfter being wounded in World War I a man battles with his evil alter ego.
CreditsLetters: Typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Roger Menot/Jacques Wazemmes (dual personality)
Comic StoryBlack Death (6 pages)
SynopsisMedieval Paris is hit with the plague. Michel and Denise wish to escape the city but their way is blocked by city guards. A noblewoman has died and her body is to be shipped out of the city to Argentueil. Michel pries the casket open, discards the corpse, and persuades Denise to take its place. That night he boards the barge headed for Argentueil intending to free Denise from the casket but learns that the noblewoman's father had his daughter buried. Michel commits suicide by throwing himself in the Seine.
CreditsPencils: Henry Kiefer | Inks: Henry Kiefer
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: The Black Death (host); Michel and Denise (young lovers)
NotesCover story.
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement for training to get jobs in radio and television by the National Radio Institute.
CreditsLetters: Typeset
NotesAdvertisement for Lionel Trains model trains. On back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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