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NotesWith edits by ALV910
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Book Cover For Funny Pages v4 1
Funny Pages v4 1 (19 of 21)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By WileyJ
cover art-Harold delay?
Additional Information
PublicationJanuary 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
NotesAll Gustavson credits from Terry Gustafson, son of Paul Gustavson.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Arrow [Ralph Payne]
NotesAll Gustavson credits from Terry Gustafson, son of Paul Gustavson.
AdvertisementLearn to Play Checkers!
FeaturingHow to Win at Checkers
CreditsScript: Millard F. P. Hopper? | Letters: typeset
NotesIndexed copy is missing upper corner- the first word of the title may actually be "How" or something similar. Text claims to be by Hopper, who wrote the book that is being advertised. Ad is on the upper half of the inside front cover.
Publisher advertisementHey Fellas! Here's the Amazing Man!
FeaturingAmazing-Man Comics
CreditsPencils:? [as G. P.] (signed) | Inks:? [as G. P.] (signed)
ContentCharacters: Amazing-Man
NotesAmazing Man is in his pre-costume incarnation. Lower left of inside front cover.
Statement of OwnershipStatement of Ownership
CreditsScript: Joseph J. Hardie | Letters: typeset
NotesPublisher, Joseph J. Hardie, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.; Editor, Lloyd Jacquet, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.; Managing Editor, None; Business Manager, Raymond J. Kelly, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. Owner: Centaur Publications, Inc., 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.; Raymond J. Kelly, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.; S. J. Fried, 291 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; Joseph J. Hardie, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; E. L. Angel, 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Signed by: Joseph J. Hardie, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of September, 1939. Berta M. Holcepl, Notary Public Kings County Clerk's No. 337, Register's No. 1009? [smudged] New York County Clerk's No. 15, Register's No. 1H11? [smudged] Commission expires March 30, 1939 [smudged, but the "3" is clear enough even though that would put the expiration earlier than the date of this document! Perhaps a typo?] Lower right of inside front cover. Per Frank Motler, E L. Angel is Evangeline Angel, wife of Warren Angel who was the head of Kable News. Therefore Centaur was likely distributed by Kable at this point.
SynopsisMantoka's father, the tribe shaman, passes his powers on to Mantoka. When the hunters of the tribe start to go missing, Mantoka finds that they have been captured by a white man who is forcing them to work in his mines.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Mantoka (introduction; origin); Mantoka's father;
SynopsisEgbert gets a sled ride from Pinky.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Egbert; Pinky
SynopsisThe Arrow captures some murdering racketeers.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Arrow [Ralph Payne]
NotesAll Gustavson credits verified and courtesy of Terry Gustafson, son of Paul Gustavson.
ContentGenre: Drama | Characters: Sue; Margo; Renee; Andre; Jacques; the Maestro
SynopsisWhen Blarsted, the most powerful man in Mesquite, drives out the Sherrif, the Phantom Rider comes to his aid.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Phantom Rider; Sherrif Warder; Blarsted
NotesArt previously attributed to Martin Filchock, but Jim Amash of the Timely-Atlas list spoke with Filchock and confirmed that he never worked on the Phantom Rider nor with Jack Cole. This arguably calls into question the Cole credit as well, which was from the same source (Henry Andrews 2009-03-16).
FeaturingMagic Made Easy
FeaturingUncle Joe's Joke Page
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor
NotesText jokes, two with illustrations.
SynopsisG-Man Gene is called in when Stubs finds a body he thinks is a federal man. Jinny insists on going with him, and they discover an opium smuggling operation. After tracing it to Wu Chang, Jinny steals his papers for evidence. Furious, Wu Chang kidnaps her, but Gene calls in Sgt. Stone and rescues her during a raid.
FeaturingMad Ming
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Mad Ming [Wu Chang] (introduction); Gene (introduction); Jinny (introduction); Stubs (introduction); Lee (introduction); Sergeant Stone (introduction)
SynopsisNumerous drawings sent in by readers.
FeaturingYour Page
CreditsPencils:?; Rose Marie Imes; Claude Cook; John Choffey; Roland Santurri Cranston; Thomas Harris; Ethel Arnold; Larry McVay; Thomas Main; Carolton Burchet; Harry Powell; Raymond Fielding; Edwin Jones; Stephen Eugene Piles; Morty Rothenburg; Armstead Hudnell; Meyer Roiter; Jack Grau; Teresa Bilotta; Lenore Hutchings; H. Lasseter; Ann Oustod; Emile Hamel; Jack Malott; Uphouse Tatarunis; Tommy Tomlinson; Joe Miller
NotesReaders are invited to send their drawings to Ed Wood, Centaur Publ. Co. 220 Fifth Ave., New York City.
ActivityLesson #13 (1 page)
FeaturingCartooning The Perfect Hobby!
Comic StoryWhite Goddess [conclusion] (4 pages)
SynopsisZuma shoots and kills Briny Bill from a hiding place, cutting short his reunion with Ora. However he falls from his perch and is killed by a gorilla. Gary begins to take Ora, now Joan Trever once more, back to England as Bill wished. But the two have fallen in love, and Joan agrees to go with Gary to America as his bride.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Ora [Joan Trevor]; Briny Bill (death); Gary Hale; Zuma (villain; death)
NotesFrom a movie produced by Allan Dorne, directed by Lee Barton and starring Diana Deane as Ora [Joan Trevor].
SynopsisThe fastidious librarian in a large southern city is secretly The Owl, who lives with his father in the nearby swamp. The Owl's father lost his legs because of a racketeer and spent his life designing the Owl's flying suit. They track a kidnapping gang to Zeb's farm and the Owl runs their car off a cliff.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Owl [Jack]; The Owl's father; Zeb Hale (death)
NotesNeither the Owl nor his father are named in the story. While Filchock generally wrote the stories he illustrated, Jerry Bails' Who's Who specifically lists him as only the artist here (Henry Andrews 2009-03-10). The Owl's first name was Jack, but his last name was never revealed.
Text StoryUncle Joe's Joke Page (1 page)
SynopsisThis is a text page filler with two spot illos. The text consists of eight joke dialogues.
FeaturingRemington Noiseless Deluxe Portable Typewriter
CreditsLetters: typeset
Notesinside back cover
SynopsisNumerous small advertisements for goods from Johnson Smith & Co.
FeaturingJohnson Smith & Co.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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