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Out of This World Adventures 1 - Version 1

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Out of This World
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Out of This World Adventures 1 - Version 1 (2 of 5)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By soborno
me gustaria conseguir este comic ¿como puedo hacerlo? gracias a todos
   By Timeship
This one has full stories, plus the comic, which are excellent!
   By eaglesnest
dank voor deze
   By nenslo
Comics start on 48th page.
   By nenslo
Comics start on 48th page.
   By Andrew999
As a sword-and-sorcery fan, I was drawn to this for Crom, as far as I know the first true barbarian hero depicted in comics – and of course, the ubiquitous endangered-blonde-in-a-red-dress cover There really was a Crom (or Krum) the Conqueror, leader of the fair-haired Bulgar Horde that swept into the Balkans from the north, tossed aside the Byzantine army and subjugated the Slavs (who were no pussycats either) in the Dark Ages - to create the First Bulgarian Empire. Krum had a little quirk – he liked to drink beer from the skull caps of his vanquished enemies. I’m prepared to bet the erudite Robert E Howard had come across Krum in his research and used him as an influence – as perhaps did Gardner Fox in creating Crom The story is a stand-out with a blonde in distress (now wearing blue – so she must therefore have two dresses), monkey people, an evil wizard, lost city, wicked princess to die for and a giant snake with a twist in the tail – all within ten pages!
   By crashryan
Wait a minute! Did they at least relocate the rest of the warrior babes before they nuked the island? Considering the scientific value of the critters and flora on the island, blowing it to dust seems a bit extreme.
Additional Information
PublicationJuly 1950 | Price: 0.25 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
CreditsPencils:? (painting) | Inks:? (painting) | Colors:? (painting) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Contentscontents page (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
Foreword/AfterwordIntroduction (1 page)
CreditsScript: Donald A. Wollheim | Letters: typeset
Text StoryThe Planet-Smashers (24.5 pages)
CreditsScript: Ray Cummings | Pencils: Martin (signed) | Inks: Martin (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryLetter From the Stars (4.5 pages)
CreditsScript: A. E. Van Vogt | Pencils: Martin (signed) | Inks: Martin (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryOmega and the Wolf-Girl (13.5 pages)
CreditsScript: Lester del Rey | Pencils: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Inks: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryThe Puzzle of Priipiirii (9 pages)
CreditsScript: William Tenn | Pencils: Martin (signed) | Inks: Martin (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Comic StoryLunar Station (10 pages)
CreditsScript: John Michel | Pencils: Joe Kubert (signed) | Inks: Joe Kubert (signed)
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Comic StoryThe Man-Eating Lizards (9 pages)
CreditsScript: Henry Kuttner [as Edward Bellin] | Pencils: Joe Kubert (signed) | Inks: Joe Kubert (signed)
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryPallas Rebellion (2 pages)
CreditsScript: M. Malcolm White | Pencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Comic StoryCrom the Barbarian (10 pages)
FeaturingCrom the Barbarian
CreditsScript: Gardner Fox | Pencils: John Giunta | Inks: John Giunta
ContentGenre: Sword And Sorcery | Characters: Crom the Barbarian
Text StoryThe Shipwrecked Bogey Man (5.75 pages)
CreditsScript: Lloyd Williams | Pencils: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Inks: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryTerror of the Mist-Maidens (14 pages)
CreditsScript: A. Bertram Chandler | Pencils: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Inks: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryThe Discord Makers (8.25 pages)
CreditsScript: Mack Reynolds | Pencils: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Inks: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Text StoryForbidden Fruit (4.5 pages)
CreditsScript: Kris Neville | Pencils: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Inks: William F. McWilliam (signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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