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Target Comics
Date | Number: v1 4 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Target Comics v1 4
Target Comics v1 4 (4 of 112)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationMay 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Monthly
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: White Streak
Publisher advertisementMore Free Prizes for Target Readers (1 page)
CreditsScript:? (promo copy) | Pencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
NotesInside front cover. Promotion for collecting coupons from this page to turn in to get free items. Photographs of objects being offered are in black in white.
Comic StoryThe Gas Mask Disaster (6 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: White Streak; Reynolds (villain, introduction)
Comic StoryThe Counterfeit Lottery Ring (7 pages)
CreditsScript: Ben Thompson (signed) | Pencils: Ben Thompson (signed) | Inks: Ben Thompson (signed)
ContentGenre: Crime; Detective-mystery
NotesBen Thompson based on signature found on story by Ken Quattro and posted to Comics History Exchange page on Facebook (24 August 2016). The original writer and letters tentatively was given to E.W. Webster (Ethel Felder Webster). Original pencil and inks credit given to Joe Simon.
Comic StoryBomb-Sight Boomerang (7 pages)
FeaturingLucky Byrd
CreditsScript: Harry Campbell | Pencils: Harry Campbell | Inks: Harry Campbell | Letters: Harry Campbell
ContentCharacters: Lucky Byrd; Captain James (villain, introduction)
Comic StoryThe Dam Breaks (3 pages)
FeaturingLittle Puppet Man
CreditsScript: John Spina | Pencils: John Spina | Inks: John Spina | Letters: John Spina
NotesThis story continues in the next issue.
Comic StoryThe Reformation of Pretty Boy: Part 3 (8 pages)
FeaturingCalling 2-R
CreditsScript: Jack Warren [Jack A Warren] | Pencils: Jack Warren [Jack A Warren]; E. F. Webster [Ethel Felder Webster]? | Inks: Jack Warren [Jack A Warren]; E. F. Webster [Ethel Felder Webster]? | Letters: Jack Warren [Jack A Warren]
ContentGenre: Adventure; Science Fiction | Characters: Skipper; The Captain; Big Boss [Big Shot] (villain); Drusella (villain); Pretty Boy (guest star); Butch (villain)
NotesKen Quattro posted to Comics History Exchange page on Facebook (24 August 2016), that he sees both Warren and Webster's work in this story.
Text StorySubmarine Surprise (2 pages)
CreditsScript: Andrew Allen | Pencils: Sam Gilman (illustration, signed) | Inks: Sam Gilman (illustration, signed) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Adventure; War
NotesPencils and inks credits reported by Ken Quattro and posted to Comics History Exchange page on Facebook (24 August 2016).
ContentGenre: Crime
Comic StoryThe Music Monster (7 pages)
FeaturingFantastic Feature Films
CreditsScript: Tarpe Mills | Pencils: Tarpe Mills | Inks: Tarpe Mills | Letters: Tarpe Mills
ContentGenre: Drama
SynopsisA movie talent scout is looking for a beautiful baby.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Moe Higrass; Joe Higrass
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sports
NotesPencils and inks credits suggested by Jerry Bails' Who's Who in 20th Century American Comics Books.
SynopsisBill has a run-in with a dude named Ted Cameron who has accompanied Dawn to see what a round-up camp looks like. In actuality, Cameron is interested in securing some mining papers, claims and deeds.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Target; Quing; Dawn; Bob (sheriff); Ted Cameron (villain, introduction); Blackbeard Hurston (villain, introduction, death); Tony (villain)
AdvertisementBoy! Look at this Bargains! (1 page)
CreditsScript:? (ad copy) | Pencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
NotesInside back cover. Advertisement for novelty items from Treasure House of New York, New York. Photographs of objects being offered are in black in white.
FeaturingBlue Bolt
CreditsScript:? (promo copy) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction; Superhero
NotesBack cover. Advertising the upcoming Blue Bolt (Novelty Press, 1940 series) comic's first issue.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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