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Weird Terror
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Book Cover For Weird Terror 5
Weird Terror 5 (5 of 13)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationMay 1953 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
AdvertisementPlay Guitar in 7 Days or Get Money Back (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside cover ad for a guitar-playing course.
Comic StoryFull Moon (7 pages)
SynopsisYoung chemistry student Alex Nome discovers a formula which changes him into a werewolf. After a killing spree he is determined to put a stop to his insanity.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Religious
NotesAd for prayer service.
Comic StoryBig Screen (6 pages)
SynopsisHugh Carson, inventor, develops a radio machine and gets tuned in to alien signals. He learns of an invasion to earth. Frantically Carson tries to find someone who will believe him.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Text ArticleGhouls, Inc. (1 page)
SynopsisHistorical account of the business of "body-snatching", providing anatomy students with corpses.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesSmall illo, probably by Don Heck.
Play Piano the First Day.. or Don't Pay (1 page)
CreditsLetters:?; typeset
NotesAd to learn to play piano by sending for the "Patented Automatic Chord Selector" for $1.98.
Comic StoryDevil's Hex (7 pages)
SynopsisSandra and Louise are fighting over the same man. Sandra disposes of Louise by destroying a voodoo-sculpture likeness of her. But Louise finds a way to haunt the murderous Sandra.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
AdvertisementMagic Dutch Rock Garden (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAd to grow a complete rock garden in 4 days by Honor House. Only $1.00.
Text ArticleTaboos of Death (1 page)
SynopsisAccount of funeral rites all over the world.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesSmall illo, probably by Don Heck.
Comic StoryCadaver (6 pages)
SynopsisThe mortician Carl Moreno supplies old spinster Anna Mord with human body parts to humor her cannibalism. And to make him her sole heir to her riches. To speed up things Carl poisons Anna. But Anna just won't stay dead.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
AdvertisementYou Get Shop Training at Home When You Learn Television My Way! (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Math & Science | Characters: R. C. Anderson (photo)
NotesAd for television repair school.
AdvertisementStop Smoking (1 page)
FeaturingDoctor's Orders Products
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside back cover ad for product to help stop smoking.
Hey Skinny! (1 page)
CreditsPencils:?;? (photograph) | Inks:?;? (photograph) | Letters:?; typeset
ContentCharacters: Joe
NotesBack cover Ad for a physical training program.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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