Additional Information |
Publication | April 1958 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly |
Cover | Journey to the Moon! |
Content | Genre: Science Fiction |
Comic Story | Journey to the Moon! (13 pages) |
Synopsis | A teenage reader of "Adventures into the Unknown" accompanies a manned flight to the moon where the crew encounter alien life forms planning to invade Earth. |
Content | Genre: Science Fiction | Characters: Oswald T. Hannegan; Derek Brand |
Notes | Story is written in a way to imply that the reader is the protagonist of the story. |
Comic Story | The Boy Who Was Psychic (1 page) |
Synopsis | The first time Stanley Onslow predicts the future is on his fourth birthday. He tells his parents that his Aunt Ella will be arriving after lunch with his present, a sled. His mother dismisses this saying Ella lives a thousand miles away and it's summer so why a sled. Ella then shows up, with a sled! Two years later Stanley tells his parents that something has happened on the other side of the hill. It's Mr. Gregg who has had a heart attack. In 1945 Stanley lowers the flag to half-mast because of the President. Two hours later the radio announces that Franklin D. Roosevelt has died. |
Content | Genre: Fantasy | Characters: Aunt Ella; Stanley Onslow; Mr. & Mrs. Onslow; Mr. Gregg |
Credits | Letters: typeset |
Notes | Letters from Frank Mattson, Cody Gates, Peggy Richter, Buddy Gates, Joanna Ellner, C. A. Hacha, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Peer, Pte. Chant, and Bob Barron. |
Comic Story | Up in Smoke! (4 pages) |
Synopsis | Arthur Mellon is trying to perfect the perfect cigarette filter. He applies his latest solution to some filters and then smokes 5 to test. He leaves for home feeling dizzy. He buys his usual newspaper and reads about an assassination and an oil company making a rapid rise on the stock market. The next morning he hears about the assassination but can't find the newspaper. Susan tells him he didn't bring one home. The newspaper vendor says he was off sick so couldn't have sold him the newspaper. Arthur buys shares in the oil company with all his savings and makes over $200,000 from $2083. |
Content | Genre: Science Fiction | Characters: Arthur Mellon; Susan Mellon; Newspaper vendor; Stock broker |
Comic Story | The 13th Juror! (3 pages) |
Synopsis | Chalmers is accused of murdering Sir Alfred Haines as he knew he was the benefactor of his will. The jurors are all sure he is guilty but a mysterious man steps out of the shadows and hypnotises the jurors to return a not guilty verdict. When the foreman announces the verdict the judge is angry but has to release Chalmers. Later the jurors recover and tell the judge but no trace of the man is found. They give details to an artist and the man is recognised by the judge as being Sir Alfred! A young burglar is caught and confesses to the crime. The judge is glad that Chalmers was not hanged. |
Content | Genre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Sir Alfred Haines; Chalmers (Sir Alfred Haines' secretary); Judge; Foreman of the jury; Young burglar |
Comic Story | Through the Wall! (5 pages) |
Synopsis | Ed Farraday loves the old rundown Farraday Mansion where he lives but bills are building up. He has a nightmare where he leaves his body, walks through a wall and then sees a bright light at which point he wakes up. A doctor at a local free hospital tells him that the dream represents wish fulfilment and the light is simply a rising sun. Ed has the dream again and when he wakes up decides to solve it. He goes to the wall and finds a secret panel. He enters a chamber and then sees a bright light which is a chest of treasure. Now Farraday Mansion looks better than it ever has before! |
Content | Genre: Fantasy | Characters: Ed Farraday; Psychiatric Doctor |
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More details about this comic may be available in their page here |