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How You Can Defend Your Home! (5 of 15)
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   By MarkWarner
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Additional Information
2A Message To the Men, Women And Children Of America!
3I. Always - Under Any And All Circumstances - Keep Calm!
4II. Prepare Yourself For The Worst - III. Refuge Room - IV Family Air Raid Warden - V. Air Raid Shelters
5VI. How To Determine Your Safest Air Raid Shelter
6VII. The Blackout - VIII Preparation For Blackout In the Home
7IX. Make Certain Your Blackout Preparations Are Complete And Effective - X. Use Of Telephone During Blackout Alarms
8XI. Air Raid Wardens - Your Duty To Them
9The Lockheed P-38 - Pursuit Interceptor - Set a Transcontinental Speed Record In A Test Flight
10Vought-Sikorsky F4U - Navy Long-Range Fighter - Designed For High Speed At High Altitudes
11Howard Trainer Model DGA-160 - Max speed 120 - Cruising Range 300 Miles -160 HP Radial Engine - 2 Sets of Instruments
12Northrup N3 PB - 3 Place Patrol Bomber - Carries 6 Machine Guns And A Load Of 2000 lb Of Bombs
13Consolidated B24 - Heavy Bomber - Weight 40,000 lb - 4 Tons Of Bombs - British Call It The Liberator - Crew Of 9
14Douglas A-20A - Fast, Short-Range Bomber - The Letter "A" Is The Old Attack Designation
15Vought-Sikorsky SB2U-2 - Versions Of This Ship Are Used As Scout And Dive Bombers
16Curtiss-Wright 21B - Interceptor - Note The Rounded Nose And Sharp-Taper Toward Tail
17Boeing Stratoliner - Completely Streamlined "Tear Drop" Design - Carries Up To 38 Persons
18Boeing Flying Fortress B299T - Used With Deadly Effect By The R.A.F - Max Speed 325 M.P.H - Range 3,500 Miles
19Ryan PT-21 - Two Places, One For The Student, The Other For The Instructor - A Stoutly Built Ship
20Grumman F4F-3 - Newest Navy Fighter And Light Dive Bomber - Designed To Operate From Aircraft Carriers Or Land
21Martin B-26 - Fast, Deadly Medium Bomber - Large View Shows Tricycle Landing Gear
221941 Aeronca Sport Plane - Carries 2 Persons And 70lbs Of Baggage
23Ryan Dragonfly YO-51 - Arial Jeep Or Flying Motorcycle Are Its Nicknames
24Boulton Paul Defiant - Two-seat Fighter - 1030 H.P. - Speed Over 350!! - A Deadly Night Fighter
25Bristol Beaufighter - Most Powerful Armament Of Any Fighting Plane In the World .. Carries 4 20mm Shell Guns And 6 Machine Guns
26Armstrong-Whitworth-Whitley III - The Troop Carrier Version Of The Bomber A.W.W.IV - Both Have Proved Their Worth
27Supermarine Spitfire - The Great British Fighter - Max Speed 357 M.P.H. - Caries 8 Fixed Machine Guns, 4 In Each Wing
28Hawker Hurricane - Famous British Single-Seat Fighter - Speed 335 M.P.H.
29Japanese Mitsubishi - A Long Range Bomber, Which Is Based On The Commercial Plane Used In Japan's "Good Will Flight" Around The World
Italian Savoia-Marchetti SM81 - "Pipistrello" (Bat) Bomber So Called Because It Is Used For Night Bombing
30Japanese Karigane - Operates From Aircraft Carriers - Estimated Speed 325 M.P.H. - Carries 6 Guns
Italian Fiat CR 32 Bis - Japan Has Many Planes Of This Type - W-Strut Braced Biplane - Slow But Extremely Maneuverable
31Italian-Japanese Fiat BR 20-Cicogna - One of The Few All-Metal Italian Airplanes .. It Is Made In Japan Also
German Dornier DO17 - Reconnaissance Bomber - A High-Wing Monoplane Of All-Metal Construction
32Italian Breda 65 - For Low Bombing And Attack In Cooperation With Ground Forces - Heavily Armed Single-Seater
33Italian Savoia-Marchetti SM79 - Used In Spain, Africa, Albania And Over The Mediterranean - Top Speed 264 M.P.H.
34Air Raid Measures For Children - For Teachers And School Principles / For Parents
35First Aid Hints - From The Official America Red Cross Text-Book
36Messerschmitt ME109E - Single Seat Fighter - Armed By 20 MM. Cannon And 2 Machine Guns
37Boehm-Voss HA139 - Float Seaplane - Range 3100 Miles - Max Speed 196 M.P.H. - Now Used In Mine Laying
38Messerschmitt ME110 - Two Or Three-Place Day And Night Fighter - Two Fixed Cannon Under The Nose - 4 Fixed Machine Guns On Top Of Nose
39Junkers JU86k - A Bomber Which May Be In Japanese Service
40Dornier DO-215 - 2 1150 H.P. Motors (Either Water-Cooled or Air-Cooled Radial) - 3 Movable Machine Guns
41Focke-Wulf - Courier Is Used For Shipping Raids - Carries Many Machine Guns And Aerial Cannon - The Condor Can Carry About 30 Soldiers
42Junkers Ju 88-A1 - Long-Range Dive Bomber Two 1200 H.P. Motors - Speed 317 M.P.H - Range 1310 Miles - Weight Loaded 25,000 LB - 6 Movable Machine Guns - Carries Crew Of Four
43Heinkel Long Range Bomber - Flying Range 2,140 Miles At 230 M.P.H. Carrys 8 550 LB. Bombs And 5 Movable Machine Guns
44Boeing Clipper - A Giant Flying Boat - It Can Carry Up To 72 Passengers And Crew, And Can Cruise 4,000 Miles
45Consolidated Patrol Bombers - Known In The Navy As The "PBY" Series. Recognition Points Are The Same For All, Except That The PBY-4 Has A Square Cut Tail Fin
46Vultee Valient Bt-13,BT-13 - Basic Trainer, 450 H.P. - A Rugged Ship
47Bell Airacobra - Fast Pursuit-Interceptor Top Speed About 400 M.P.H. Carries 4 Machine Guns In The Nose, And A 37 MM Cannon, Tricycle Landing Gear, Retractable
48Seversky P35 - A Famous Fighter Of Great Power
49Brewster Buffalo - Made By A Company That Was Famed For its Carriages In 1815 - Speed About 375 M.P.H.
50Beechcraft 18 - 900 H.P. - 8 Places - Max. Speed About 240 - Used For Training (AT-7), Photography (F-2) And Utility Transport (C-45)
51Republic P-43 - Low-Wing, All Metal Pursuit Plane - 120 H.P. "Twin Wasp" Engine - Top Speed About 375 - A Favorite With Pursuit Pilots Because Of Excellent Visibility
52North American P-51 - The Apache - Allison Motor, Liquid-Cooled, Fast - "Mustang" In Britain
53North American B25 - Twin Cyclone Engines Of 1,350 H.P. Each, Drive This Medium Bomber At Exceptionally High Speed - A Mid-Wing Ship Of Long-Range And Large Bomb Capacity
54Martin PMB-1 - Patrol Bomber Powered By 2 "Twin Cyclones" Of 1,600 H.P. Each - 2 21 Inch Torpedoes Or Several Tons Of Bombs Can Be Carried Under The Gulled Wings
55North American O-47A - Speedy 3-Place Observation Plane - Belly Of Fuselage Has Large Windows For Photography And Detailed Observation
56Grumman 21-A - Small Flying Boat Amphibian - 2 450 H.P. Engines - Speed 200 M.P.H.
57Curtiss Hawk 75A - Famous Pursuit Plane, Which Attained A Speed Of 575 M.P.H In A Test Dive
58Lockheed Electra - Fast, Powerful Monoplane, Used For Rapid Transportation Between Air Bases
60Keep Cool! - Above all, keep cool! Don't lose your head.
62Stay Home! - The safest place in an air raid is at home.
64Stay Away From Windows! - Glass shatters easily, so stay away from windows.
66Put Out Lights - Whether or not black-out is ordered, don't show more light than is necessary.
68Lie Down! - If bombs start to fall near you, lie down.
70You Can Help! - Strong, capable, calm people are needed to man the volunteer services.
71Civilian Defense Insignia - Air Raid Warden - Nurses' Aides Corps - Auxiliary Police - Messengers - Bomb Squads - Drivers Corps - Auxiliary Firemen - Emergency Food and Housing Corps - Fire Watchers - Decontamination Corps - The Medical Corps - Demolition and Clearance Crews - Rescue Squads - Road Repair Crews
72Our Civilian Defense Leaders Say - Excerpts from radio addresses made by Mayor LaGuardia and Mrs. Roosevelt, December 14th, 1941)
73It Couldn't Happen Here??? - Remember Pearl Harbor!
74Planes -- Planes and More Planes Will Win This War - "Let's Go! U.S.A - Keep 'Em Flying!" - Buy United States Defense Savings Bonds
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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