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Airboy Comics v7 5 (alt)

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Date | Number: v7 5 | Lang: English (en)
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Notessoothsayr-novus scans / movielover-novus edits Special thanks to Yoc for photoshop work on the cover
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Book Cover For Airboy Comics v7 5 (alt)
Airboy Comics v7 5 (alt) (55 of 90)
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Additional Information
PublicationJune 1950 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Monthly
NotesArt credits verified by Roy Thomas.
CoverThe Monsters From the Ice!
CreditsPencils: Ernest Schroeder | Inks: Ernest Schroeder
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II]
NotesArt credits verified by Roy Thomas.
Comic StoryThe Return of Zzed, Part 2 (15 pages)
CreditsScript: Ernest Schroeder | Pencils: Ernest Schroeder | Inks: Ernest Schroeder
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II]; Tex Calhoun; Zzed (villain)
NotesThis is the 3rd appearance of Zzed. Story continued from last issue. Writer credit by Roy Thomas.
Comic StoryThe Wise Princess Mara (5 pages)
Comic StoryThe Battle of New York (8 pages)
CreditsPencils: Jon Small (signed) | Inks: Jon Small (signed)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesTrue Story
Comic StoryFrom Bats to Oars (6 pages)
ContentGenre: Sports
Text StoryThe Heart of a Race Horse (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
FeaturingAnd It's a Fact
CreditsPencils: Floyd Torbert [as Torb] (signed) | Inks: Floyd Torbert [as Torb] (signed)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Sports
NotesArt credits from Saltarella via the GCD Error Tracker.
Comic StoryThe Secret Essence of Life: Part 1 (9 pages)
SynopsisWhile relaxing from war activities, Baron von Emmelman, while studying Egyptian papers, discovers that the Secret Essence of Life did exist, and could be found in two containers buried under each paw of the Sphinx. But the Baron is shot down before he can make it to Egypt. Years later, the Heap returns to the swamp in which he died and discovers the wreckage of his plane, but also the paper revealing the Secret Essence. He begins the journey, stopping to save a fisherman's life, who then gets a boat for the Heap to cross over to Africa.
FeaturingThe Heap
CreditsScript: Ernest Schroeder? | Pencils: Ernest Schroeder | Inks: Ernest Schroeder
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: The Heap [Baron Eric von Emmelman] (origin re-told with details); Baron von Emmelman (flashback); un-named fisherman
NotesThe story continues in the next issue. Writer credit by Roy Thomas.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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