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Books Contributed By Pulpshmoo


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Issue Title Section Cover
# of
Uploader Rating # of
# of Com
An Eastern Vendetta by Old Sleuth Pulp Magazines   161 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6177 47 1
Beadle's Dime Novels 108 - The Peddler Spy Beadle's Dime Library Dime Novels 101 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6438 55 1
Beadle's Half Dime Library 502 - Branded Ben the Night Ferret Beadle's Half Dime Library Dime Novels 25 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4819 46 2
Beadle's Half Dime Library 1005 - Deadwood Dick Jr. Branded Beadle's Half Dime Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3334 45 1
Black Hollow Pulp Magazines   Unknown 101 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5920 37 1
Boy Exiles of Siberia Pulp Magazines   33 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5293 32 1
Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library 98 Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library Pulp Magazines Unknown 37 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6988 68 1
Brave And Bold 109 - In the Depths of the Dark Continent Brave and Bold Weekly Dime Novels 37 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo 8/10 (1) 8380 91 1
Collier's Weekly v78 21 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 53 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5732 77 2
Collier's Weekly v79 18 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 53 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4705 72 2
Collier's Weekly v79 19 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 53 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4261 86 1
Collier's Weekly v81 1 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 52 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4914 79 1
Collier's Weekly v81 2 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 53 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo 7/10 (1) 5001 68 2
Collier's Weekly v81 6 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 54 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3804 51 1
Collier's Weekly v81 8 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 53 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 4795 50 1
Collier's Weekly v81 9 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 57 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3839 66 2
Collier's Weekly v81 10 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 61 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3787 48 1
Collier's Weekly v81 12 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 61 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3869 61 1
Collier's Weekly v81 13 Collier's Weekly Newspapers and Magazines 57 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 4856 68 2
Das Puppendorf German Language Books Non-English Books 46 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 9/10 (1) 9338 91 2
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1836 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 49 Sep 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 9/10 (4) 6512 134 2
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1838 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 49 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 4370 81 1
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1839 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 36 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 6066 69 1
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1840 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 36 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 4092 73 2
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1841 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 3764 87 1
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1846 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 3523 65 1
Davy Crockett's Almanack 1847 Davy Crockett's Almanack Newspapers and Magazines 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 3994 64 2
Deadwood Dick Library v1 5 - Wild Ivan The Deadwood Dick Library Dime Novels 37 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 4243 62 1
Deadwood Dick Library v9 5 - The End of Wild Ivan The Deadwood Dick Library Dime Novels Unknown 37 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 3444 36 1
Deadwood Dick Library v9 12 - Flying Floyds Great Leap The Deadwood Dick Library Dime Novels Unknown 37 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 3153 55 1
Diamond Dick, Jr. 76 Pulp Magazines   37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6655 38 1
Dick Turpin in a Hot Corner Pulp Magazines   21 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 6645 48 1
Fire Cloud by Samual Fletcher Western Pulp Magazines 101 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3608 51 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v1 565 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 15 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4186 57 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1212 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 23 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3556 34 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1249 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2948 40 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1253 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3020 41 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1268 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 23 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5435 44 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1299 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3163 35 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1316 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3153 33 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1322 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2852 36 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1323 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2814 36 1
Five Cent Wide Awake Library v2 1353 Five Cent Wide Awake Library Dime Novels 18 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3137 42 2
Frank Reade Weekly Magazine v1 1 - White Cruiser of the Clouds Frank Reade Weekly Magazine Dime Novels 37 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 4374 65 2
Fritz to the Front by Edward L. Wheeler Pulp Magazines   164 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5815 33 1
Inkle and Yarico Pulp Magazines   30 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5137 17 2
Jack and His Seven Foes Pulp Magazines   Unknown 177 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5824 33 1
Log Cabin Library 362 Log Cabin Library Dime Novels 33 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4105 66 1
Motor Matts Queer Find or the Secret of the Iron Chest Pulp Magazines   37 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5321 32 2
National Police Gazette v1 1-0004 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 8 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4555 78 1
National Police Gazette v1 5 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 8 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3323 44 1
National Police Gazette v1 6 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 8 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3212 40 1
National Police Gazette v1 7 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 8 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5192 54 2
National Police Gazette v1 8 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 8 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3276 46 2
National Police Gazette v59 735 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 16 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3850 59 1
National Police Gazette v60 768 National Police Gazette Newspapers and Magazines 17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5040 66 1
New Nick Carter Library 4 - Trim Among the Esquimaux New Nick Carter Library Nick Carter 37 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo 8/10 (1) 6989 181 2
New Nick Carter Weekly 462 - The Marixburg Affair New Nick Carter Weekly Nick Carter 36 Sep 8, 2013 unknown / Pulpshmoo N/A 7243 194 1
New Nick Carter Weekly 515 - Plot of the Poisoner New Nick Carter Weekly Nick Carter 36 Sep 8, 2013 unknown / Pulpshmoo N/A 6052 184 1
Old Broadbrim Weekly 32 Old Broadbrim Weekly Dime Novels 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4610 89 1
Old Broadbrim Weekly 35 Old Broadbrim Weekly Dime Novels 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3492 80 1
Old Cap. Collier Library 262 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 49 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4400 100 2
Old Cap. Collier Library 587 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 37 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3786 70 1
Old Cap. Collier Library 590 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 35 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3183 61 1
Old Cap. Collier Library 683 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 31 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3334 64 1
Old Cap. Collier Library 717 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 35 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3759 65 2
Old Cap. Collier Library 750 Old Cap. Collier Library Dime Novels 32 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3766 60 1
Old Sleuth's Own 41 The Twin Ventriloquists Pulp Magazines   101 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo 8/10 (1) 5571 40 1
Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times v52 1342 Pulp Magazines   16 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 5946 30 1
Pluck And Luck 1450 The Pearl Prince Pulp Magazines   35 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5868 32 1
Post-Card Album - Dated Dec 24th 1907 Misc Fun Stuff Odds And Ends 35 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo 9/10 (3) 4841 66 4
Public Ledger, Color Supplement, Sep 7, 1919 Newspapers and Magazines   9 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo 9.5/10 (4) 6869 49 6
Something To Read v28 675 Something To Read Pulp Magazines Unknown 8 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5043 30 1
Something To Read v45 1140 Something To Read Pulp Magazines Unknown 9 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2600 24 1
Street and Smith's Literary Album 129 Pulp Magazines   17 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6263 42 1
Strike for the King Pulp Magazines   Unknown 29 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5911 47 2
The Brookside Library 37 The Brookside Library Dime Novels 21 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo 8/10 (1) 5505 42 3
The Brookside Library 188 The Brookside Library Dime Novels 73 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2804 32 1
The Castle of Montabino Pulp Magazines   Unknown 42 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 20462 34 1
The Green Splotches by T. S, Stribling Pulp Magazines   36 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6624 58 1
The Magician Pulp Magazines   36 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 6606 46 1
The Mysteries of Bedlam Pulp Magazines   Unknown 117 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6293 52 1
The New York Detective Library 408 Dime Novels   36 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4793 59 1
The Nickel Library v12 262 - The Yankee Smuggler Pulp Magazines   33 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5944 35 1
The O'er Land And Sea Library 110 Pulp Magazines   Unknown 69 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 5950 39 1
The War Library v1 13 The War Library Dime Novels 25 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3788 53 1
The War Library v3 72 The War Library Dime Novels 25 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 3349 46 1
The War Library v6.119 The War Library Dime Novels 25 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 2766 44 1
The War Library v7 207 The War Library Dime Novels 25 Oct 25, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4688 62 1
The White Pilgrim Pulp Magazines   38 Jan 1, 2015 Pulpshmoo N/A 5225 32 1
Tip Top Tales 77 Pulp Magazines   Unknown 69 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 6365 32 1
Treasure of the Brasada by Les Savage Jr. Western Pulp Magazines 200 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4542 71 2
v1 1 - Frank Reade Jr. and His New Steam Man Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 25 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 6157 124 1
v1 3 - Frank Reade, Jr., With His New Steam Man in Central America Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 4876 74 1
v1 5 - Frank Reade, Jr., with His New Steam Man in Mexico Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 4338 73 1
v1 6 - Wild Adventures in Montana Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo 10/10 (1) 3599 61 1
v1 7 - Frank Reade, Jr., and His New Steam Horse Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 4421 80 2
v1 9 - The Sandy Trail of Death Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3442 77 1
v1 10 - Frank Reade, Jr., With His New Steam Horse Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 17 Dec 28, 2014 Pulpshmoo N/A 3508 62 1
v1 11 - Frank Reade Jr. With His New Steam Horse Frank Reade Library Dime Novels 21 Oct 27, 2013 Pulpshmoo N/A 4175 84 1

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