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Please remember this is all very much in its infancy so there is plenty more work to be done before it is finished.

Finally, we were slightly unsure how to name this section, until eventually settling on the term "Contributor Pages". But that matters little, if it was not for these kind souls there would not be a Comic Book Plus, so we are eternally grateful for all their hard work!

Tigger has helped to contribute 445 books to our site!

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Books Contributed By Tigger

Issue Title Section Cover
# of
Uploader Rating # of
# of Com
A-1 Comics 2 A-1 Comics Magazine Enterprises 52 May 6, 2012 Tigger 8/10 (1) 6740 87 1
Abbott and Costello Comics 18 Abbott and Costello Comics St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger N/A 6064 211 1
Adventures into Darkness 9 Adventures Into Darkness Better / Nedor / Standard / Pines 36 Dec 9, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 19078 624 2
Adventures into the Unknown 8 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (7) 14412 534 4
Adventures into the Unknown 9 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 13485 519 3
Adventures into the Unknown 10 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 8.5/10 (8) 12968 442 2
Adventures into the Unknown 21 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (5) 11868 382 2
Adventures into the Unknown 23 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 53 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (8) 10748 400 2
Adventures into the Unknown 24 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 54 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (4) 10329 323 2
Adventures into the Unknown 27 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (8) 12237 342 2
Adventures into the Unknown 28 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (7) 10524 366 4
Adventures into the Unknown 30 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (6) 9966 373 2
Adventures into the Unknown 31 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (7) 9864 309 2
Adventures into the Unknown 32 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 52 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 10424 315 5
Adventures into the Unknown 36 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (4) 10396 308 1
Adventures into the Unknown 42 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (6) 9133 351 1
Adventures into the Unknown 43 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 9641 356 1
Adventures into the Unknown 44 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (5) 8895 283 1
Adventures into the Unknown 50 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (6) 10267 391 3
Adventures into the Unknown 58 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (5) 9705 321 1
Adventures into the Unknown 60 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (7) 8539 260 2
Adventures into the Unknown 62 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (5) 8208 252 1
Adventures into the Unknown 63 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 9570 309 2
Adventures into the Unknown 71 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 18, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (5) 7730 207 1
Adventures into the Unknown 79 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (5) 7435 234 1
Adventures into the Unknown 80 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (6) 7548 287 2
Adventures into the Unknown 81 Adventures Into the Unknown American Comics Group / ACG 36 Nov 29, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (5) 7607 236 1
Aggie Mack 8 Aggie Mack Superior Publishers Limited 36 Dec 2, 2008 Tigger 10/10 (2) 13114 489 3
Air Fighters Comics v1 6 Air Fighters Hillman 65 Nov 24, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (2) 6914 184 1
Air Fighters Comics v2 4 Air Fighters Hillman 68 Dec 14, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 7026 198 1
Airboy Comics v6 9 Airboy Hillman 52 Nov 24, 2010 Tigger N/A 4583 122 1
Albrecht Publishing Co - Conqueror Comics 1 One Shot Publishers One-Title Publishers 36 Nov 28, 2006 Tigger 8.5/10 (3) 8981 447 5
Algie 3 Algie Timor 36 Feb 20, 2011 Tigger 9.5/10 (5) 16859 370 1
Amazing Ghost Stories 16 Amazing Ghost Stories St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 9/10 (17) 15873 553 4
America's Greatest Comics 8 America's Greatest Comics Fawcett 100 Dec 28, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (8) 12307 466 1
American Air Forces 8 American Air Forces Magazine Enterprises 36 May 13, 2012 Tigger / josemas 8/10 (1) 4548 189 1
Approved Comics 2 - Invisible Boy Approved Comics St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 7399 248 1
Approved Comics 11 - Fightin' Marines Approved Comics St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 8/10 (1) 4982 91 4
Atom-Age Combat 3 Atom-Age Combat St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 8957 299 1
Atom-Age Combat 5 Atom-Age Combat St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 8.5/10 (2) 7884 317 1
Atom-Age Combat 6 (1) Atom-Age Combat St. John 37 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (2) 8148 246 2
Attack On Planet Mars One Shots Avon Periodicals 36 Jun 4, 2012 Tigger / josemas 10/10 (5) 13707 340 2
Badmen of the West 2 (A-1 120) Badmen of the West Magazine Enterprises 36 May 6, 2012 Tigger N/A 6464 124 1
Baffling Mysteries 19 Baffling Mysteries Ace Magazines 36 Nov 17, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (9) 11987 422 1
Baffling Mysteries 20 Baffling Mysteries Ace Magazines 36 Nov 17, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (7) 10762 487 1
Battle Cry 9 Battle Cry Stanley Morse (Key) 36 Nov 21, 2010 Tigger N/A 4574 102 2
Beware 3 Beware Trojan Magazines 36 Oct 28, 2008 Tigger 9.5/10 (5) 15025 1180 1
Beware! Terror Tales 4 Beware! Terror Tales Fawcett 36 Nov 28, 2010 Tigger 8.5/10 (13) 13738 459 5
Beware! Terror Tales 7 Beware! Terror Tales Fawcett 36 Nov 28, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (13) 12505 405 2
Black Diamond Western 59 Black Diamond Western Lev Gleason / Comic House 36 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger N/A 4449 76 1
Black Magic 5 (v1 5) Black Magic Prize 52 Dec 8, 2010 Tigger 8.5/10 (7) 8996 327 1
Blackhawk 20 Blackhawk Quality 52 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 9/10 (2) 6440 174 1
Blackhawk 56 Blackhawk Quality 36 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 8.5/10 (3) 6190 129 1
Blackhawk 72 Blackhawk Quality 36 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 8/10 (1) 4975 105 1
Blackhawk 79 Blackhawk Quality 36 Nov 19, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4984 98 2
Blackhawk 86 Blackhawk Quality 34 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 9/10 (1) 4292 79 1
Blackhawk 88 Blackhawk Quality 36 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4387 98 1
Blackhawk 95 Blackhawk Quality 36 Jan 10, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 5826 114 1
Blackhawk 101 Blackhawk Quality 33 Nov 19, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 5892 89 1
Blackhawk 102 Blackhawk Quality 32 Nov 19, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4615 65 1
Blackhawk 104 Blackhawk Quality 37 Sep 15, 2012 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4747 94 None
Blackhawk 107 Blackhawk Quality 36 Nov 20, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (1) 5885 125 2
Blazing Western 2 Blazing Western Timor 36 Feb 20, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (3) 5140 125 2
Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror 119 Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror Star Publications 36 Nov 10, 2008 Tigger 10/10 (4) 12606 683 3
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders 6 Bobby Benson B-Bar-B Riders Magazine Enterprises 36 May 12, 2012 Tigger / josemas N/A 4503 77 1
Boy Comics 15 (fiche) Boy Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (2) 5142 82 1
Boy Comics 48 Boy Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (2) 4085 122 1
Boy Comics 65 Boy Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4010 90 1
Bringing Up Father 5 Bringing Up Father Cupples and Leon 53 May 22, 2012 Tigger 8.5/10 (3) 4901 131 1
Campus Loves 2 Campus Loves Quality 36 Jan 12, 2011 Tigger N/A 6647 147 2
Captain Steve Savage v2 6 Captain Steve Savage Avon Periodicals 33 Dec 12, 2010 Tigger 5/10 (1) 5048 131 2
Captain Tootsie 1 Captain Tootsie Toby/Minoan 36 Dec 2, 2008 Tigger 10/10 (3) 10409 390 1
Chamber of Chills 9 Chamber of Chills Harvey Comics 36 Dec 15, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (4) 13382 407 1
Chamber of Chills 26 Chamber of Chills Harvey Comics 36 Feb 20, 2011 Tigger 9.5/10 (4) 11626 316 2
Chief, The 2 Indian Chief Dell Comics / Western Publishing 52 Feb 19, 2011 Tigger 7.5/10 (3) 11025 286 1
Cinderella Love 27 Cinderella Love St. John 36 Jan 7, 2011 Tigger 9/10 (1) 6570 103 2
Complete Love Magazine 163 (v27 1) Complete Love Magazine Ace Magazines 37 Nov 17, 2010 Tigger 9.5/10 (3) 11639 261 1
Cowboy Western 49 Cowboy Western Charlton 36 Nov 24, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 6683 119 1
Crime And Justice 13 Crime and Justice Charlton 36 Nov 24, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (2) 5397 120 1
Crime Does Not Pay 39 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 8/10 (1) 6045 139 1
Crime Does Not Pay 52 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 27 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 8/10 (1) 5944 138 1
Crime Does Not Pay 63 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (2) 9463 335 1
Crime Does Not Pay 88 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 8.5/10 (2) 4423 109 2
Crime Does Not Pay 106 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 34 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 7.5/10 (2) 3791 93 1
Crime Does Not Pay 119 Crime Does Not Pay Lev Gleason / Comic House 36 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 8/10 (2) 5691 124 1
Crime Mysteries 12 Crime Mysteries Ribage 36 Mar 24, 2009 Tigger 9/10 (2) 6875 407 4
Crime Mysteries 14 Crime Mysteries Ribage 32 Mar 24, 2009 Tigger 10/10 (2) 7972 523 3
Cutie Pie 2 Cutie Pie Lev Gleason / Comic House 36 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger N/A 5871 111 1
Danger 2 Danger Comic Media 36 Nov 10, 2010 Tigger 7.5/10 (3) 7022 155 4
Daredevil Comics 18 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 60 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 8.5/10 (3) 7170 151 2
Daredevil Comics 34 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 5273 143 1
Daredevil Comics 40 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 68 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (2) 4545 104 2
Daredevil Comics 43 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 9.5/10 (2) 4297 96 1
Daredevil Comics 44 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 49 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (2) 4304 74 1
Daredevil Comics 45 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Dec 3, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (2) 3977 127 1
Daredevil Comics 46 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 3845 129 1
Daredevil Comics 47 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 9/10 (2) 4394 124 2
Daredevil Comics 48 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 3858 103 1
Daredevil Comics 49 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Nov 22, 2010 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4109 95 1
Daredevil Comics 50 Daredevil Comics Lev Gleason / Comic House 52 Feb 21, 2011 Tigger 10/10 (1) 4957 105 1

(Page 1 of 5)

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