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Jump on our Yesteryear Listening Guide as we journey back to 1946. See and read the comic books on sale month by month, and find out the major news of the day.

January: United Nations General Assembly first meets in The Methodist Central Hall Westminster. 51 nations are represented.

February: Trygve Lie elected first Secretary General of the United Nations, a result of a compromise between the major powers.

March: Agreement recognizing Vietnam as autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation & French Union signed by Ho Chi Minh.

April: John Maynard Keynes one of the founders of modern macroeconomics & the most influential economist of the 20th century dies.

May: Dr. Louis Slotin working at the Los Alamos Laboratory, accidentally begins a fission reaction receiving a fatal dose of radiation.

June: A referendum held in Italy declares the country a republic. King Humbert II leaves the country for exile in Portugal.

July: Modern bikinis go on sale in Paris. The swimsuit is named after Bikini Atoll, where atomic bomb testing had taken place.

August: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission is established. Beginning the transfer of the control of atomic energy from military to civilian.

September: Cathay Pacific founded in Hong Kong by American Roy Farrell & Australian Sydney de Kantzow. Cathay is the ancient name for China.

October: 10 Nazi War criminals are executed. Hermann Goering commits suicide with a potassium cyanide capsule the night before.

November: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) a specialized agency of the U.N. is formed.

December: It's a Wonderful Life produced & directed by Frank Capra is released. The film will eventually be regarded a classic.

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Yesteryear Listening Guide For 1946



Plaque celebrating 50 years of the United Nations
United Nations General Assembly first meets in The Methodist Central Hall Westminster. 51 nations are represented more ...


Trygve Lie
Trygve Lie elected first Secretary General of the United Nations, a result of a compromise between the major powers more ...


Ho Chi Minh
Agreement recognizing Vietnam as autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation & French Union signed by Ho Chi Minh more ...
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John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes one of the founders of modern macroeconomics & the most influential economist of the 20th century dies more ...


Louis Slotin
Dr. Louis Slotin working at the Los Alamos Laboratory, accidentally begins a fission reaction receiving a fatal dose of radiation more ...


Emblem of the Italian Republic
A referendum held in Italy declares the country a republic. King Humbert II leaves the country for exile in Portugal more ...


A vintage bikini
Modern bikinis go on sale in Paris. The swimsuit is named after Bikini Atoll, where atomic bomb testing had taken place more ...


U.S. Atomic Energy Commission logo
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission is established. Beginning the transfer of the control of atomic energy from military to civilian more ...
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Cathay Pacific logo on a plane
Cathay Pacific founded in Hong Kong by American Roy Farrell & Australian Sydney de Kantzow. Cathay is the ancient name for China more ...


Hermann Goering
10 Nazi War criminals are executed. Hermann Goering commits suicide with a potassium cyanide capsule the night before more ...


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) a specialized agency of the U.N. is formed more ...


Donna Reed and James Stewart
It's a Wonderful Life produced & directed by Frank Capra is released. The film will eventually be regarded a classic more ...
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