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Krazy Kat
Available Strips:8
Latest Strips:Krazy Kat 1943 | Uploaded: Feb 15, 2018
Categories:Humor | Funny Animals
Publication History: Dates: -
The Krazy Kat comic strip debuted in New York Evening Journal October 13, 1913. Created by George Herriman it was published in daily papers until 1944. An interesting fact is that the publisher William Randolph Hearst was a great fan of Krazy Kat, and on occasions insisted that it appeared in his newspapers.

Today, the often surreal strip is highly regarded and often quoted as a source of artistic inspiration. The main characters are:

• Krazy Kat - a mentally challenged cat who is head over heels in love with a mouse and misinterprets brick throwing as a sign of endearment
• Ignatz Mouse - the object of the cat's desire who unfortunately hates Krazy Kat, and makes that plain to everyone bar the cat
• Offissa Pupp - whose sole objective is to lock up Ignatz Mouse in the county jail
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Krazy Kat

  Krazy Kat 1916 3 narfstar Jul 27, 2012 1.00 18280 305
  Krazy Kat 1917 2 narfstar Jul 27, 2012 1.00 10192 226
  Krazy Kat 1936 308 Firak Feb 15, 2018 38.00 3683 2
  Krazy Kat 1937 280 Firak Feb 15, 2018 50.00 2425 1
  Krazy Kat 1938 15 Firak Feb 15, 2018 2.00 3027 1
  Krazy Kat 1941 309 Firak Feb 15, 2018 18.00 2742 68
  Krazy Kat 1942 313 Firak Feb 15, 2018 18.00 2085 94
  Krazy Kat 1943 308 Firak Feb 15, 2018 20.00 4007 26
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