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Flyin' Jenny
Available Strips:2
Latest Strips:Flyin' Jenny 1941 615-1228 | Uploaded: Aug 11, 2012
Categories:Adventure | Leading Ladies | Aviation
Publication History: Dates: -
Flyin' Jenny created by Russell Keaton, made her maiden flight October 1939. Virginia Dare, to give her correct name was a test pilot at the Starcraft Aviation Factory. Appearing at the beginning of World War II Flyin' Jenny would not last long after the end of hostilities, the strip was discontinued July 1946.

During her seven years of life Jenny was not content with just taking to the skies, but did battle with master criminals, spies, saboteurs and numerous other evil-doers.

Although originally Russell Keaton both wrote and drew the strip, over time others would become involved including: Glenn Chaffin (co-creator of Tailspin Tommy), Marc Swayze (now known for his work on Mary Marvel) and Gladys Parker (Mopsy). Keaton died February 13, 1945 aged just 35, and just over a year later Flyin' Jenny made her last flight.
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Flyin' Jenny

# Name Cover
Pages Contributor Date
Views Down
  Flyin' Jenny 1941 0615-1228 20 narfstar Aug 11, 2012 5.00 16647 246
  Flyin' Jenny 1942 0104-0517 20 narfstar Aug 11, 2012 6.00 9633 238
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