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Gasoline Alley
Available Strips:14
Latest Strips:Gasoline Alley 1922 | Uploaded: Mar 30, 2015
Categories:Automobiles | Humor
Publication History: Dates:
Gasoline Alley made a low-key debut in The Chicago Tribune Syndicate, November 24, 1918. It was the beginning of a journey, which continues to this day.

Gasoline Alley is credited as the first comic strip in which the characters age normally, and also being one of the first soap operas in any medium.

The strip was created by Frank King with the remit from The Chicago Tribune's publisher, Colonel Robert McCormick, to create a strip to appeal to the new generation of car owners and mechanics. The major characters include:

• Walt Wallet - a car fanatic, head of the family and the strip's central character
• Phyllis Wallet - married Walt June 24, 1926 and died April 26, 2004
• Skeezix Wallet - Walt's adopted son, found on his doorstep February 14, 1921
• Avery - Walt's rather cantankerous neighbor
• Pert - a rich miser and often the villain of the piece
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Gasoline Alley

  Gasoline Alley 1918-9 169 JonTheScanner Aug 14, 2012 72.00 12724 273
  Gasoline Alley 1920 364 JonTheScanner Aug 14, 2012 86.00 10309 246
  Gasoline Alley 1921 (no 6-19) 315 JonTheScanner Aug 14, 2012 121.00 6458 233
  Gasoline Alley 1921 315 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 122.00 3802 97
  Gasoline Alley 1922 315 JonTheScanner Mar 30, 2015 40.00 5617 100
  Gasoline Alley 1924 314 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 86.00 3940 97
  Gasoline Alley 1925 318 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 88.00 4229 95
  Gasoline Alley 1926 313 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 87.00 3425 97
  Gasoline Alley 1927 313 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 87.00 3537 133
  Gasoline Alley 1928 Jan-Jun 156 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 47.00 3385 119
  Gasoline Alley 1928 Jul-Dec 157 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 45.00 2793 120
  Gasoline Alley 1929 Jan-Jun 155 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 45.00 2955 97
  Gasoline Alley 1929 Jul-Dec 159 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 46.00 3020 120
  Gasoline Alley 1930 313 JonTheScanner Mar 28, 2015 111.00 6136 152
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