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Sparky Watts
Available Strips:2
Latest Strips:Sparkly Watts (April 1 - May 9, 1942) | Uploaded: Oct 26, 2015
Categories:Superhero | Humor | Children/Teenagers
Publication History: Dates:
Sparky Watts is a light-hearted comic strip that was written and drawn by Boody Rogers. It is a parody of the highly popular superheroes of the day. The story starts with Sparky Watts making his way though college by selling magazines door-to-door. One day he knocks on at the house of Doctor Static and a deal is struck. The doctor will buy all of the magazines if Sparky is the guinea pig for his cosmic ray experiments.

In traditional style he is now suddenly blessed with superhuman powers, becoming the world's strongest man. Apart from his incredible speed and strength, his head is so strong that artillery shells bounce off it. On a domestic level Sparky now needs to use a blowtorch to shave! The stories which often center around Doc Sparks's latest experiment include other regular characters:

• Slap Happy - a bald-headed sidekick who provides muscle and has massive feet
• Yoo Hoo - a small Chinese boy
• Hattie - who appears to be nothing more than a top-hat and legs
• Goober - a dog who is owned by Doctor Static
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Sparky Watts

# Name Cover
Pages Contributor Date
Views Down
  Sparkly Watts (April 1 - May 9, 1942) 32 festerb4 Oct 26, 2015 36.00 4943 86
  Sparky Watts 9 narfstar Aug 23, 2012 1.00 5283 113
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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