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The Bullseye
Available Books:12
Latest Book:The Bullseye v5 123 - The Red Scorpion! | Uploaded: Apr 23, 2021
Categories:Adventure | Crime | Mixed Bag
Publication History:Issues: 183 |  Sequence: #1 - #183 |  Dates: -
The Bullseye was published weekly by The Amalgamated Press based at Fleetway House In Farringdon Street, London.
A boy's story paper, it ran from 24th January 1931 to 21st July 1934, for a total of 183 issues.
It incorporated 'Surprise' on 18th November 1933 and was itself subsequently converted into comic format and renamed 'Film Picture Stories'.
During its run, it concentrated on producing stories with a hint of mystery and thrills.
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The Bullseye

1 The Bullseye v01 01 - The House of Thrills 33 CosmicJukebox | josemas Apr 26, 2013 49.00 7611 82
2 The Bullseye v01 02 - Scarbrand 33 CosmicJukebox Aug 8, 2019 46.00 1836 23
3 The Bullseye v01 03 - The Man with A Thousand Faces! 32 hoover Aug 8, 2019 13.00 1822 57
4 The Bullseye v01 04 - The Night Patrol! 32 hoover Aug 5, 2019 13.00 2329 59
5 The Bullseye v01 05 - The Sign of the Crimson Dagger! 32 hoover Aug 5, 2019 15.00 1559 46
6 The Bullseye v01 06 - Danger & Co. 32 hoover Aug 5, 2019 14.00 1353 44
7 The Bullseye v01 07 - Mortimer Hood - The Gun Runners 32 hoover Aug 5, 2019 13.00 1703 56
8 The Bullseye v01 08 - The Island of Diamonds 32 hoover Aug 5, 2019 13.00 1437 57
9 The Bullseye v01 09 - Mortimer Hood - The Scanlan Mystery 28 hoover Aug 5, 2019 12.00 1273 54
10 The Bullseye v01 10 - Mortimer Hood - The Sleuth of The Skies 28 hoover Aug 5, 2019 12.00 1664 53
31 The Bullseye v02 31 - The House of Thrills 28 Harmsworth | paw broon Jul 13, 2015 32.00 4163 83
123 The Bullseye v05 123 - The Red Scorpion! 28 Ernesto | paw broon Apr 23, 2021 87.00 1711 25
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