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Detective Weekly
Available Books:4
Latest Book:Detective Weekly 310 - Enter Sexton Blake | Uploaded: Jul 16, 2021
Categories:Crime | Detective
Publication History:Issues: 379 |  Sequence: #1 - #379 |  Dates: -
Detective Weekly was a continuation of the Union Jack, the storypaper which had begun in 1894 and which had for most of its life been famous as "Sexton Blake's own paper". Issue 1 of Detective Weekly was dated 25 February 1933, a week after the last Union Jack. It was a larger paper, approximately 25x32cm in size, and unlike its predecessor rarely used colour. It ran for 379 issues.

The first 130 issues concentrated on Sexton Blake, and his family history, with a wayward brother turning up. However, in later issues the character would be dropped entirely. He returned to the paper in the late 1930s, but most of the stories were reprints of earlier Union Jack stories from the 1920s.

The final issue of the paper was dated 25 May 1940, following the introduction of paper rationing in World War II. This left The Sexton Blake Library as the only publication containing stories of the detective, aside from the comic strips in Knockout. source:wikipedia
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Detective Weekly

9 Detective Weekly 009 - Wanted! 24 wahski May 18, 2018 90.00 4126 75
310 Detective Weekly 310 - Enter Sexton Blake 28 wahski Jul 16, 2021 35.00 2364 63
372 Detective Weekly 372 - The Case of the Grey Envelope 20 wahski Mar 31, 2020 93.00 2452 74
379 Detective Weekly 379 - The Secret Of The Loch 16 wahski Nov 3, 2020 28.00 2948 76
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