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Amazing Man Comics
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Amazing Man Comics 12 (9 of 26)
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   By EmmetEarwax
I see Mighty Man gained a new super-power, like Giant Man/Ant-Man of Marvel. Likewise the Hulk received a power boost in Hulk #3 (now he could leap a mile in a single bound). The Shark is a predecessor of Submariner. (similar hybrid origin,even.) Look, I first new about Amazing Man, Mighty Man ,et al, from STUPID COMICS and the category "Before comics made sense". I needed to judge a story by its whole, not by some out-of-context clip.
Additional Information
PublicationMay 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
NotesRedrawn for the cover of Pif-Paf: El Campeón de la Historieta (Editorial Tor, 1939 series) #50.
FeaturingAman the Amazing-Man
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Aman the Amazing-Man
NotesRedrawn for the cover of Pif-Paf: El Campeón de la Historieta (Editorial Tor, 1939 series) #50.
SynopsisThe Green Mist, better known as the Amazing Man, must act quickly to prevent the Port of San Francisco from being blown up and blamed on a foreign power, as a way of drawing the United States into the war in Europe.
FeaturingAman the Amazing-Man
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Aman, the Amazing Man [John Aman]; Zona Handerson (crime investigator); The Great Question (villain); Homer (villain); Bim (villain); Kerner (villain); Kully (villain); Operator Nine (villain, death)
NotesTitle and villain credit from Lou Mougin, May 2009.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Minimidget; Ritty; Hawk Bulture (villain); Su Chin
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009. Title revised Dec. 2009 by JVJ. Keith Chandler : Although a previous indexer credited Kolb as a possible writer here, the Who's Who gives him only on pencils and inks, both for this and other features for Centaur.
FeaturingZardi the Eternal Man
CreditsPencils:? [as Steve] (credited) | Inks:? [as Steve] (credited)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Zardi the Eternal Man; Nogi (his faithful servant); Janni Bayless; Sylva (crook)
NotesMandrake-like magician. Title from Lou Mougin, May 2009.
Text StoryAlleby and the Forty Thieves (2 pages)
FeaturingAman the Amazing-Man
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Aman the Amazing-Man; Officer George Alleby; The "Forty Gang" (crooks)
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009, who gives art credits to Lew Glanz.
SynopsisThe Shark is asked by a scientist to go to Mars and send back descriptions of what he finds to be recorded for posterity. While there, he discovers a race of petrified mummies, who take him captive, forcing him to slave away with other humans who have been similarly captured.
FeaturingThe Shark
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Shark; Tom; Everett; Johnny
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009. Revised JVJ. Keith Chandler : Glanzman is credited as writer and artist on this feature in the Who's Who.
SynopsisChuck Hardy vs. 2-headed frog-man
FeaturingChuck Hardy in The Land beneath the Sea
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Chuck Hardy; Toga (two headed native); Oxan; jerry; Queen Irena
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009. Keith Chandler : Thomas is credited as writer on all of his features for Centaur in the Who's Who.
Text StoryAmazing Men of Aviation (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Leonardo da Vinci; John Stringfellow; Dr. Samuel P. Langley; Orville Wright; Wilbur Wright
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009.
Synopsis"Reef" rescues a girl reporter from a gang of dope smugglers and uses the shanghaied crew to restore order aboard ship.
Featuring"Reef" Kinkaid
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: "Reef" Kinkaid (introduction); Jane Warren (newspaper reporter); Grayson (Coast Guard officer); un-named ship's Captain (villain)
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009. ? removed from writer by Craig Delich 2011-4-16. Keith Chandler : The artist also signs - as 'RBKL' - in the final panel. His name was Robert Bartow Lubbers, evidently with another forename beginning with K.
SynopsisA doctor notifies Mighty Man of a discovery of his in which he can treat an animal and control its size, and the scientist even treats Mighty Man and gives him a stretchable suit.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Mighty-Man; Dr. Hilldale (scientist, death); Alec (doctor's assistant, death); un-named nephew of Dr. Hilldale (villain, death)
NotesTitle from Lou Mougin, May 2009. Revised JVJ. Strip titled "The Amazing Mighty-Man". ? removed from writer credit by Craig Delich 2011-04-16.
FeaturingWere You Born in May?
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Tyrone Power; Albert Einstein; Florence Nightingale; Queen Victoria; Charles "Red" Ruffing
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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