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Forbidden Worlds
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Forbidden Worlds 2 (2 of 118)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By david hatch
THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT the ectosphere ?? interesting concept somewhat drowned in too much top heavy romantic mush THE LEAGUE OF VAMPIRES they never give the head vampire goon a name and now vampires go blam when the sun hits them phhhht DEAD MAN'S DOOM a couple of dead man coincidences drives phanto over the edge decent enough tho my favorite in a weaker issue KATE THE WITCH good enough wonder why the witch quit THE MAGIC COIN somehow this missed the boat THE BOY WHO TALKED TO GHOSTS pretty good for a 3 pager
Additional Information
PublicationSeptember-October 1951 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAdvertisement for Junior Zither instrument. Appears on the inside front cover.
Comic StoryThe Mists of Midnight (8 pages)
SynopsisAudrey sees a man struggling in the fog.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Audrey Clark; Neil; Jim Fletcher
AdvertisementPhil Rizzuto (1 page)
Text StoryPostscript to Death (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Sylvia; John
Comic StoryThe League of Vampires (10 pages)
SynopsisNancy Lewis has a strange visitor who has bat eyes, and he makes her take him to her finance's laboratory.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Nancy Lewis; Roy Carlson
Publisher advertisementExtra Good News! (1 page)
NotesPromo ad for Adventures Into the Unknown
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesIncludes text, with the color header that was first used in issue #1. No letters.
Comic StoryDead Man's Doom (8 pages)
SynopsisPhanto is a fake medium, who is willing to do what it takes to keep his fee.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Phanto
Comic StoryKate, the Witch, vs. Andrew Jackson (3 pages)
SynopsisA witch appears before future President Andrew Jackson's friends in Robertson County, Tennessee. And he goes to see if it is true.
Featuring"True" Witches of History
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Horror-suspense | Characters: John Bell; Betsy Bell; Josh Gardiner; Kate the Witch; General Andrew Jackson; Rachel Jackson; Witch-Destroyer
Text StoryStrange Staircase (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Billy; Roger (dog)
Comic StoryThe Magic Coin (9 pages)
SynopsisDr. Amos Brown is missing. He is found on top of the old coin that is under the microscope.
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Amos Brown; Ken Havers; Miss Seely; Sabina; Decimus; Emperor Marcus Aurelius; Smithers
Comic StoryThe Spectral Sky-Ship (1 page)
SynopsisThe Ship, Fellowship, disappears in 1646.
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Horror-suspense | Characters: Captain Lamberton
NotesBased on the poem THE PHANTOM SHIP by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Comic StoryThe Boy Who Talked with Spirits (3 pages)
SynopsisEddie has two ghosts who help keep him up on what's going on.
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Horror-suspense | Characters: Eddie Harkness; Josiah; Emily
AdvertisementBe the Master, not the Slave! (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
CreditsLetters: typeset;?
AdvertisementLook at These 4 Wonder Bargains (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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