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Bill Boyd Western
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Book Cover For Bill Boyd Western 9
Bill Boyd Western 9 (10 of 27)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationDecember 1950 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
NotesPhoto Cover
CoverTrails of Death
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo) | Colors:? (photo)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd
NotesPhoto Cover
Comic StoryTrails of Death (10 pages)
SynopsisBill is in charge of getting a cattle drive to Junction City, past a gang of border rustlers.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Pete Riss? | Inks: Pete Riss?
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Meadow (rustler); Zack Foster (rancher)
NotesPete Riss is credited on pencil and ink on Bill Boyd by Jerry Bails' Who's Who, and the inking seems similar to his credited stories on "Kid Eternity", but few of his wedge shaped faces with eyes far apart, as in most of his credited stories in "Adventures Into the Unknown", are present in this story. The horses with large, square snouts and extremely large hooves, are identical to the horses in 4-5 issues in this series. Only Riss and Elkan are credited on Bill Boyd, so these stories could either be Riss, or some other uncredited artist. He had more realistic horses in 1953 than here.
Comic StoryIn the Swim (1 page)
FeaturingBrainy Buster
ContentGenre: Humor
Text StoryPoison Gun (2 pages)
CreditsScript: Rod Reed [as Westbrook Wilson] | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Easy Silver Dollars (7 pages)
SynopsisA gang of counterfeiters are making silver dollars, only they are lead and zinc with a thin coat of silver.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Max Elkan | Inks: Max Elkan
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Hastings (gang boss); Sheriff
NotesElkan is credited on pencil and ink on Bill Boyd by Jerry Bails' Who's Who. He can be spotted by the faces, and long hair in the neck and under the hat in front. The horses are much more realistic than the ones credited as uncertain to Pete Riss.
Comic StoryThe Schoolhouse Mystery (7 pages)
SynopsisCrowbait is mistaken for an outlaw, who also travels around in a peddler's wagon just like his.
FeaturingA Crowbait Story
CreditsPencils: Charlie Tomsey? | Inks: Charlie Tomsey?
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); Crowbait (peddler); Oscar (school kid); School Teacher; Crooked Peddler
NotesTomsey is credited on westerns for Fawcett by Jerry Bails' Who's Who, and some square jawed faces, and movements looks like his credited work on "Lance O'Casey" in Whiz Comics #134 and #136. Probably his work. Artwork similar to "The Ominous Door" story in Bill Boyd #5.
Comic StoryAn Easy Touch! (1 page)
FeaturingHammer Head
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingWright the Writer
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryWindy and the Potato Bugs (4 pages)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Peace Pact (8 pages)
SynopsisA government agent has stumbled onto a plot by Ruma to take to the warpath, and is being killed before he can report it.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Pete Riss? | Inks: Pete Riss?
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Midnite (horse); George Hagen (government agent); Chief Hannu; Indian Agent; Ruma (villain)
NotesNotes as for the first story.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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