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Book Cover For Planet Comics 8 (fiche)
Planet Comics 8 (fiche) (9 of 98)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Peter B. Gillis
"Don Granval in the War of the Electronic Universe"! What a title! (wish the strip lived up to it...)
Additional Information
PublicationSeptember 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Every other month
CoverGolden Amazons of Venus
FeaturingFlint Baker
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
Publisher advertisementWatch your newsstand for Wings Comics (1 page)
SynopsisAd for the Wings Club of America and indicia.
FeaturingWings of America Club
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover.
Comic StoryMystery of the Vanishing Men (10 pages)
FeaturingThe Red Comet
CreditsScript:? [as Arthur King] | Inks:? (shop)
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Carol (introduction); Jim (introduction); other scientists (introduction); A tyrant of Mysto (villain, introduction); a monster (villain, introduction, death); Red Comet
NotesThe story title is take from the cover blurb.
FeaturingGale Allen
CreditsScript:? [as Fred Nelson]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Jack North (guest-star); Rana Joyce (introduction); Crab Men of Mercury (villains, introduction, death); Gale Allen; Pete
Comic StoryGolden Amazons of Venus (6 pages)
FeaturingFlint Baker
CreditsScript:? [as Starr Gayza]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Queen Futura (not the heroine beginning in issue #43, introduction); the Golden Amazons (introduction); The Metal Men (villains, introduction, death); Flint Baker; Mimi; Mac
NotesThe story title is taken from the cover blurb.
FeaturingFero Interplanetary Detective
CreditsScript:? [as Allison Brant]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Congressman Thompson (introduction); Eric (introduction); A gang of crooks (villains, introduction, death); Fero briefly becomes a monster (villain, last appearance)
Comic StoryThe War of the Electronic Universe (8 pages)
FeaturingDon Granval
CreditsScript:? [as G. O. Garsh]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The King of the Electronic World (villain, introduction); Don Granval; Claire; Venusians
Text StoryCradle of the World (2 pages)
FeaturingDexter Ames
CreditsScript:? [as Lin Davies] | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Dexter Ames; Dr. Phillips; Morgan; Hatch
Comic StoryRobot Raiders of Mars (6 pages)
FeaturingCaptain Nelson Cole of the Solar Force
CreditsScript:? [as Beekman Terrill]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Tobor (villain, introduction, death); Nelson Cole
NotesThe story title is taken from the cover blurb.
Comic StoryThe Fiery World (5 pages)
FeaturingSpurt Hammond
CreditsScript:? [as Orson Herr]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Queen of Venus (introduction); Org (introduction); King of Mars (villain, introduction); Martians (villains); Spurt Hammond
NotesThe story title is taken from the cover blurb.
FeaturingBuzz Crandall of the Space Patrol
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Sophus (villain, introduction, death); Buzz Crandall; Sandra West
FeaturingLaff Riots
CreditsScript:? [as Jack Smiley]
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingCrash Barker and the Zoom Sled
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The Sky Pirates (villains, introduction, death); Crash Barker; Betty; Barrow; Joe
NotesThis continues the story from the previous issue, Planet Comics #7.
Comic StoryWar-Gods of Tomorrow (7 pages)
FeaturingPlanet Payson
CreditsScript:? [as Dusty Rhodes]
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Planet Payson (last appearance) Rix (villain, last appearance)
NotesThe story title is taken from the cover blurb. New York said to have been destroyed in 20th Century.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Sheena
NotesInside back cover. House ad for Fight, Jumbo and Jungle Comics. Includes winners of the May Planet Comics Contest.
CreditsScript:? (ad copy) | Letters: typeset
NotesBack cover. Ad for various mail order novelty items from Johnson Smith & Company.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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