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Animal Comics
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Animal Comics 25 (27 of 33)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By mortimer
New Dell logo: "A Dell Comic".
Additional Information
PublicationFebruary-March 1947 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Bi-Monthly
CoverBelle of the Swampland
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Albert; Pogo; Uncle Wiggily Longears; Rover; Jigger; Mooch
Text ArticleBaby tigers at the Bronx Zoo! (2 pages)
FeaturingPhoto Zoo
CreditsLetters: typeset
Notes6 photos of baby tigers at the bronx zoo. On inside front and back covers in black and white.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Albert; Pogo; Howland Owl; Willy de Weevil; Captain Churchy La Femme; Screamin' Mamie
SynopsisMooch sees a picture in the paper of a female dog and immediately is infatuated with her. He just has to see her at the dog show, and when he does she is repulsed by him. But Mooch takes this and similar incidents to mean that Gwendolyn loves him.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Jigger (a dog); Mooch (a dog, Jigger's friend); Lady Gwendolen (a dog)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Uncle Wiggily Longears; Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy; Sammy Littletail; Susie Littletail; Bruno
NotesCopr. 1947 by Howard R. Garris. Script credit from Michael Barrier's book Funnybooks The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books.
SynopsisRed's sailboat is attacked by drug smugglers, but Rover is able to help stop them.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Rover; Red; Mike Redmond; Fearless; Mr. Parkes; Pedro (villain); Senior Grims (villain); Juan (villain)
ActivityWin an Original Drawing! (1 page)
Comic StoryWater Bunnies (1 page)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Text StoryPrickly Pesky Porcupines (3 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryAnimal Babies (1 page)
Comic StoryWhere the Buffalo Roam (5 pages)
Text StoryOld Man Bear (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesThree line poem with single illustration on back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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