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Hangman Comics
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NotesAka Special Comics
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Book Cover For Hangman Comics 1 - Version 1
Hangman Comics 1 - Version 1 (1 of 9)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By jeremyct
love Harry Lucey's work on the Hangman...some of my favorite MLJ-era art...Hangman and Black Hood stories tend to be some of the most readable as well
   By EmmetEarwax
Hangman, the successor of the ultra-violent Comet, got into sordid murder mysteries. I'll go elsewhere now... That skeleton lady to the left is appropiate for some comics.
   By revman23
What I learned reading Hangman is that in most cases he will chase you until you die by your own clumsiness. Lol
   By LoneRanger04
This is an epic comic. Thank goodness the series was made in the early 40s, it would have had no chance with the CCA. Special case no.2 involving a clown murderer had a strong feel of The Killing Joke about it. As for the Hangman himself, I can sense a new profile picture coming around!
Additional Information
PublicationWinter 1942 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: quarterly
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman [Bob Dickering]; Dusty [Dusty Simmons]; Roy the Super-Boy [Roy Carter]
Comic StoryIntroducing the Hangman (1 page)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman [Bob Dickering] (origin retold); The Comet [John Dickering] (in flasback)
NotesFound on the inside front cover. Black and white.
Comic StorySpecial Case No. 1 (13 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman [Bob Dickering]; George Carroll (introduction, death); Mr. Fallon (introduction, death); John Sheldon (introduction, death); Sheldon's assistant (introduction, death); Jack Skeeter (introduction); Mr. Skeeter (introduction); Mary Carroll (villain, introduction)
SynopsisHouse ad for Shield-Wizard Comics 6. Three inset panels preview the issue's Dusty, Shield, and Wizard stories.
Comic StorySpecial Case No. 2 (12 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman [Bob Dickering]; The Clown [Charles] (villain, introduction, death)
Comic StorySpecial Case No. 3 (12 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman [Bob Dickering]; The Jackal (villain, introduction, death)
Text StoryDeath By the Noose (2 pages)
FeaturingThe Hangman
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Hangman
Comic StorySpecial Case No. 1 (12 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero; Teen | Characters: The Boy Buddies [Dusty [Dusty Simmons]; Roy the Super-Boy [Roy Carter]]; The Nazis (villains)
SynopsisHouse ad for Jackpot Comics 4. Four panels featuring Mr. Justice, Sgt. Boyle, Steel Sterling, Black Hood, Archie and Jughead.
Comic StorySpecial Case No. 2 (11 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero; Teen | Characters: The Boy Buddies [Dusty [Dusty Simmons]; Roy the Super-Boy [Roy Carter]]; The Shield [Joe Higgins]; The Wizard [Blane Whitney]; Mr. Snodgrass (introduction)
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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