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Space Detective
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SourceThis book was scanned from a copy in the JVJ Archive.
NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Space Detective 1 (1 of 4)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By macsnafu
No one knows that aristocratic Rod Hathway and his secretary Dot Kenny are The Avenger and Teena! Even though they wear No MASKS! And what kind of sidekick name is "Teena"??? ;-) Still, good art!
   By laffpix
Page 33 (Officer Skelly, Jack Cole) is reprinted from Cocomalt Big Book of Comics #1 (1937, pg 8) with Joe Penner reference in panel 1 removed.
   By Gojira
Nifty stories . . . !
   By SwanMaiden
I just love Serra Venta. She is one of my best cosplay. Such an amazing inspiration from this comic book actress. It’s a pity that she was killed.
   By Andrew999
Thanks to Swan Maiden for bringing this to my attention. Great name for a super hero, by the way, Swan Maiden – perhaps with a twin called Snow Maiden – and as the series unfolds, other members of the flock could be introduced – Show Maiden, Dusk Maiden, Glow Maiden, Beau Maiden (a trans character for inclusivity), Bow Maiden, Sew Maiden (a fairly limited superpower, that one). Some scripts are already racing through my head….. Space Detective I liked – especially the dame in lilac on the front cover! Sublime art from Wally on Bandits of the Stairways – why can’t I be that good!? I think Teena’s a great name for a sidekick (Tracy, Emily and Sharon too) – but I suspect a hint of rivalry there – “This is a job for the Avenger!” “And Teena! (cross look on face which Avenger pretends to ignore)”. Like Swan Maiden (well-known Head Girl of the Maidens of Quark – the title of the first script in my head, by the way), I loved Serra Venta – great outfit, great name (actually, it’s Latin for ‘stage name’ – very appropriate as Serra is an actress in the story. As a character, she’s too good to lose – I can think of three ways she can come back from the dead – how about you? Lucky Dale, Girl Detective, was a pleasant surprise. Warren Kremer’s pencils were well up to standard with some nice angles and it was great to see the blonde in the red dress fighting back and taking command. More please!
   By cinexploits
Can we get some clarification on who pencilled and inked this? We have Warren Kremer in the comments here, and have Wally Wood (pencils) and Joe Orlando (inks) elsewhere when these were reprinted by I.W. Another source has Harry Harrison???
   By Lobogris
How interesting! The "Space Detective" seems to be set in the same universe as (or at least inspired by) that of some of the early Ray Cummings' SF stories from 1930s (for instance "Brigands of the Moon", "Wandl, the Invader", "Earth-Venus 12", "Space-Liner X-87", etc.). The locations mentioned are practically the same - Grabhar of the Venus Free State, Ferrok-shahn of the Martian Union, etc. And also "Set" and "Seta" are not names, but the Martian words for "Mister" and "Miss" (like "Sirrah" and "Serra" in Venusian respectively).
Additional Information
PublicationJuly 1951 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: quarterly
FeaturingSpace Detective
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Avenger [Rod Hathaway]; Teena [Dot Kenny]
FeaturingSpace Detective
ContentCharacters: Avenger [Rod Hathway]; Teena [Dot Kenny]; Set Maag
NotesInside front cover.
Comic StoryBandits of the Starways! (8 pages)
SynopsisSpace pirates are attacking spaceships.
FeaturingSpace Detective
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The Avenger [Rod Hathway] (first appearance); Teena [Dot Kenny, Hathway's secretary] (first appearance); Sirrah Vendoza [Set Maag] (villain; first appearance); Greer; Serra Venta; Rance
NotesThe Avenger may be billed as "Space Detective" to keep him from infringing on ME's Avenger character.
Comic StoryThe Opium Smugglers of Venus (7 pages)
SynopsisThe Avenger and Teena work to stop drug smuggling on Venus.
FeaturingSpace Detective
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The Avenger [Rod Hathway]; Teena [Dot Kenny, Hathway's secretary]; Sirrah Vau [Set Maag] (villain); Serra Venta; Will E. Ogi (picture); Zoro
Comic StoryTrail to the Asteroid Hideout (7 pages)
SynopsisThe Avenger and Teena investigate some Martian bank robberies.
FeaturingSpace Detective
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The Avenger [Rod Hathway]; Teena [Dot Kenny, Hathway's secretary]; Set Maag (villain); Zoro
Text StorySomething For the Kids (1 page)
SynopsisJulie thinks he's a failure so he plans to kill himself for the insurance money.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Julie Rogoff; Sarah Rogoff
Comic StoryTerror in the Night (7 pages)
SynopsisPeople want to buy Cap'n Landy's houseboat.
FeaturingLucky Dale Girl Detective
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Lucky Dale (introduction); Cap'n Landy; Joe; Sam; Tom; Mandino
NotesKremer signs - as W. - in the final panel.
Comic StoryOfficer Skelly (1 page)
SynopsisOfficer Skelly finds a guy loitering underneath a No Loitering sign.
FeaturingOfficer Skelly
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Officer Skelly
NotesOne-page gag strip about a beat cop.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesConsumers Mart.
CreditsPencils:?;? (photograph) | Inks:?;? (photograph) | Letters:?; typeset
ContentCharacters: Larry Campbell (photo); Rex Ferris (photo); George F. Jowett (photo); Joe
CreditsLetters:?; typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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