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Strange Journey 1 - Version 1

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Strange Journey
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Book Cover For Strange Journey 1 - Version 1
Strange Journey 1 - Version 1 (1 of 6)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationSeptember 1957 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Bi-Monthly
CoverPhantom Express
PSAA Date with Effie (1 page)
ContentGenre: Advocacy
NotesThis PSA is on the inside front cover.
Comic StoryPhantom Express (6 pages)
SynopsisVance Jackson loots his firm's safe and plans to leave the country, but before he can Bill Porter confronts him, telling him he had the same plan and demanding the money. They struggle, and Vance kills Bill, but they are reunited in Hell. Awakening to find this all a dream, Vance returns the money to the safe, but finds a chilling note inside.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesOriginal title: "Death at the Throttle." All the images of Hell, the Devil, skeletons, etc., removed from the original version.
Advertisement12 Real Dolls
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAd for House of Dolls' doll set.
Advertisement100 Toy Soldiers $1.25
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesSold by Modern Toys.
Comic StoryThe Bedeviled Vault! (6 pages)
SynopsisA man in a satyr mask robs a bank. Inspector Curan and his son Marty investigate. The bank director himself committed the crime while his twin brother posed as him.
ContentGenre: Crime
NotesOriginal title: "Wheel of Terror." Bakerish type art. The satan mask in the original story was replaced with a satyr mask for this code approved reprint.
Text StoryMemo: From a Police File! (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Crime
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryBallast of Gold (4 pages)
SynopsisAbout the SS Central America. A ship that sank in a hurricane in September 1857, along with 425 of her 578 passengers and crew and 30,000 pounds (13,600 kg) of gold.
ContentGenre: Adventure
NotesArt identification from Gary Watson, November 2008.
AdvertisementAmazing Precision Miniature Camera!
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAd for a miniature camera that comes with a roll of film, from Honor House Products.
AdvertisementAutomatic Firing Tripod Machine Gun
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAdvertisement for toy machine gun that fires BBs, from Honor House Products.
Comic StoryWhen the Sea Goes Dry! (8 pages)
SynopsisA man and his wife are treasure hunters looking for sunken Spanish gold that's supposedly protected by an Aztec curse. It turns out that their guide (an Aztec descendent named Pedro) is the curse, as he guards the treasure in his true form. A gigantic octopus.
ContentGenre: Adventure
NotesOriginal title: "Death Holds an Auction." Besides dialogue changes and the change to the title, there are minor art changes for code approval. Pedro's severed finger is drawn intact replaced by a small gash on his hand, some of the images of his face on the octopus body have been removed, and the last panel of his floating corpse has been replaced by empty ocean.
AdvertisementStart to Play Real Music on the Harmonica in 15 Minutes Flat! (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
Yogi Berra Homers In the 9th - Wins Big Game! (1 page)
NotesSold by Wilson Chemical Co. Inside back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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