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Bill Boyd Western
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Book Cover For Bill Boyd Western 2
Bill Boyd Western 2 (3 of 27)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationApril 1950 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
NotesArt credit from David Saunders, Norman Saunders' son, via e-mail (January 6, 2008)
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Norman Saunders (painting) | Inks: Norman Saunders (painting) | Colors: Norman Saunders (painting)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd
NotesArt credit from David Saunders, Norman Saunders' son, via e-mail (January 6, 2008)
Publisher advertisementBuy U.S. Savings Bonds! (1 page)
FeaturingCaptain Marvel
CreditsPencils: C. C. Beck | Inks: C. C. Beck
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Captain Marvel
Comic StoryPerilous Journey (23.66 pages)
SynopsisBill is tricked into helping an outlaw to escape from the posse, and is himself put in jail suspected of being a member of the outlaw gang. He escapes from jail and joins up with the gang to catch the outlaw.
FeaturingBill Boyd
CreditsPencils: Pete Riss? | Inks: Pete Riss?
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Boyd; Topper (horse); Sheriff Graystone; Hank Parr (outlaw)
NotesPete Riss is credited on pencil and ink on Bill Boyd by Jerry Bails' Who's Who, and the inking seems similar to his credited stories on "Kid Eternity", but few of his wedge shaped faces with eyes far apart, as in most of his credited stories in "Adventures Into the Unknown", are present in this story. The horses with large, square snouts and extremely large hooves, are identical to the horses in 4-5 issues in this series. Only Riss and Elkan are credited on Bill Boyd, so these stories could either be Riss, or some other uncredited artist. He had more realistic horses in 1953 than here. Bill Boyd's black horse is called Midnite in the first issue, here it is Topper, and has a light blue color.
Publisher advertisementComix Cards Appear in Bill Boyd Western
SynopsisTwo Comix Cards with Rod Cameron.
FeaturingRod Cameron
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Rod Cameron
Comic StoryFighting Fool (1 page)
SynopsisHammerhead is splashed by a passing rider and wants a fight.
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Hammerhead
Text StoryRustler's Range (2 pages)
SynopsisNo one seemed to be able to stop the rustlers on Grand Prairie.
CreditsScript: Dick Kraus | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Dad Parker (ranch hand); Jeff Scott (boss); Sheriff
Comic StoryEye See (1 page)
SynopsisKeep your eyes open, or folks will think you are loco.
FeaturingBrainy Buster
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Brainy Buster; Dopey Doran
Comic StoryThe Pony Express Rider (4 pages)
SynopsisWindy shows a tourist around town.
FeaturingWindy Whopper
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Windy Whopper; Tourist
AdvertisementPlans Are A Sure Hit (1 page)
SynopsisOrder model plans from Mechanix Illustrated.
FeaturingMechanix Illustrated
CreditsLetters: typeset
Publisher advertisementFollow the Leaders (1 page)
SynopsisLogos for 18 Fawcett comic books.
FeaturingFawcett Publication
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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