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Military Information And Humor
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Book Cover For Judy Joins The Waves
Judy Joins The Waves (13 of 29)
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   By crashryan
Interesting to contrast this with the Navy comic ("Dick Wingate"). To pull in the boys, they promise spy action and hot, exotic women. Here, to pull in the girls, they offer a typical romance comic scenario. Is it possible that Tony Tallarico was involved in the art?
   By The Australian Panther
Yes, it is geared to what the creators of the time would have considered female priorities. That said, its a very well told story. And yes, I would like to know who the artist is.
Additional Information

An interview is the first step in the process of becoming a Navy woman. At your local recruiting office you inquire about the benefits of WAVE life. You'll find that the Navy recruiting officers are friendly and courteous, anxious to assist you in every way possible.

Following are current enlistment requirements for women. Since they change from time to time, be sure to get the very latest information from your recruiter.

  1. between the ages of 18 and 25 (inclusive)
  2. a high school graduate or equivalent
  3. a United States citizen, native born or fully naturalized, or a native of a U. S. insular possession
  4. of good character and background
  5. able to meet Navy physical and mental standards
  6. unmarried, and without dependents

You return home. You discuss your plans for a Navy career with your parents. If you decide to join the ways, the Navy will then process your application. Finally you will be ready to take the oath of allegiance.

Off to the Training Center! The Navy provides a railroad ticket, overnight pullman berth, and meals on the train. For ten weeks you will learn about naval customs, traditions, naval history, ships and aircraft, military drill, and other pertinent Navy subjects.

At the Naval Training Center, you're furnished a complete outfit of Navy blue, white and summer working uniforms. You're a WAVE now ... and smartly groomed for the job.

Generally in peacetime, upon completion of your training, you return home on recruit leave. Two full weeks of vacation with friends and family! A chance to wear your Navy uniform at home!

You are already on the payroll, for the Navy will have started paying you from the day you joined. Now trained and confident, you travel to your day station and report for your first Navy assignment. Adventure, travel, a fine career, lie ahead.

Navy life begins. You report to your first naval command on official orders. You're headed for new adventures, as well as job training, good pay, a planned and secure future.

The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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