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Thimble Theatre 1919

The Thimble Theater
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Thimble Theatre 1919
Book Cover For Thimble Theatre 1919
Thimble Theatre 1919
This is the lowest rating I've given anything here at CBP so far - I felt bad doing it, but you can tell Segar's art still had a ways to go before he was "ready for prime time". Seeing Olive as "The Shimmy Kid" reminds me of a later Thimble Theater strip where she was a dance hall girl and her mean employer made her strap scrub brushes to her feet so she could scrub the floor while she was at it. Today we would call that "multitasking"! In a way that's what she did here, too, although I wasn't sure if she was dancing with that churn tied to her or she just couldn't stop shimmying. This was still a real good hint of things to come, though.
   By nenslo
There is quite a change in style from the first to the last of these. The earliest ones are almost stick figures, centered in the panel, and by the end it is mostly medium shots with no feet - until they leap up and dive backward out of the panel. There is no more evocative display of astonishment than that.
   By quiof
It is now possible to add new scans up to 1929, with the first appearance of Popeye, this blog has scans.
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