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Military Information And Humor
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Book Cover For Military Courtesy
Military Courtesy (16 of 29)
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   By hhbooker2
Greetings & Salutations! Have a copy myself in my collection of Spanish-American War era to the Korean War era printed matter such as booklets, brochures, comic-books, magazines, pamphlets, etc., of illustrations of soldier and sailor life back to 1898 and up to 1953. This particular comic came out during the Korea War of 1950-1953. There are more comic books like this one out there, have a few dozen in my own collection. Herbert Booker of Florida
Additional Information
Here's what a REAL hand salute looks like, soldier!
If you want to be on the ball, find yourself a mirror and check YOUR salute against this diagram!
1Always salute at attention
2Turn head and eyes towards the person you are saluting
3Thumb and forefingers extended and joined
4Palm down
5Tip of forefinger touches lower part of headdress or forehead above and slightly to front of eye
6Upper arm horizontal
7Forearm inclined at 45 degrees
8Hand and wrist straight
Do You Make These Mistakes In Saluting?
1When in uniform a soldier does NOT tip his hat to ladies! A salute is the proper greeting.
2On the pay line, salute BEFORE receiving your money ... NOT afterwards!
3When soldiers are on work detail only the soldier in charge salutes an officer.
4A soldier under arms gives the rifle salute. This soldier is giving a hand salute and it is WRONG!
5A soldier carrying large things with both hands need NOT salute.
6When reporting to an officer indoors ... remove your headdress BEFORE reporting ... except under arms.
7Noncommissioned officers rate a lot of respect ... but they should not be saluted.
8Never salute on the run! ALWAYS slow down to a walk or a halt first!
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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