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Book Cover For Book Of All-Comics pt.3 - Version 3
Book Of All-Comics pt.3 - Version 3 (15 of 34)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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Publication1945 | Price: 0.50 USD | Pages: 1
NotesArt identification based on Stoner’s signed covers for The Funnies #56 (June, 1941) and Blackstone Master Magician Comics #2 (May, 1946). Similarities include muscular protagonists with curly hair, big dimples, and wide smiles showing teeth. Stoner also tends to draw women with long hair that rolls up at the bottom.
Cover36 Complete Features!
ContentGenre: Adventure; Humor; Superhero | Characters: Joan Mason; Puppeteer; One Round Hogan; Green Mask; Gussie the Gob; Red Robbins; Pussy Katnip; Raven
NotesArt identification based on Stoner’s signed covers for The Funnies #56 (June, 1941) and Blackstone Master Magician Comics #2 (May, 1946). Similarities include muscular protagonists with curly hair, big dimples, and wide smiles showing teeth. Stoner also tends to draw women with long hair that rolls up at the bottom.
Comic StoryPrison Beneath the Waves (10 pages)
SynopsisGangster Bang abducts Anteas Jr. and Penny and replaces them with lookalikes, then frames them for a crime. The Bouncer comes to life and defeats the crook's plan.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Bouncer; Anteas Jr.; Penny; The Bang; Mousie Jones; Smith
NotesThe Bouncer last appeared in All Great Comics #2 (1st series). Title from Table of Contents
Comic StoryThe Bouncer Meets Himself (10 pages)
SynopsisAnteas Jr., his skeptical friend Noel, Professor Numb, and the Bouncer go back in time to ancient Greece. The Bouncer meets his former self, Anteas. The two heroes rescue Princess Pala, defeat a sea monster, and thrash a Cyclops. Then the Bouncer and his friends return to the present.
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Bouncer (last appearance); Noel; Anteas Jr.; Professor Numb; Princess Pala
NotesTitle from Table of Contents
Comic StoryThe Underground City of Selura (6 pages)
SynopsisRocket, Sue, and Whacky land on the planet Selura. Earthmen had visited the planet in the past, so everyone speaks English. The inhabitants live in an underground city. When the roof of the cavern collapses, magician Urubura blames the visitors. Little person Sabio helps them escape.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Science Fiction | Characters: Captain Patrick (Rocket) Kelly; Sue Andrews; Whacky; Ora; Sabio; Urubura
Comic StoryThe Mystery of the Wanted Loot (6 pages)
SynopsisDapper Dan retrieves reporter Joan's purse from a thief. She discovers he put money inside, with a note. The bills are counterfeit, and Dan was trying to hide them from his accomplices. Joan and policeman Mike foil the crooks' plans.
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Joan Mason; McPherson; Chickie; Mopsie Mulligan; Dapper Dan Dugan; Mike
NotesJoan Mason works as a reporter for "The Daily Planet" but there is no sign of Clark Kent.
Comic StoryDeath Goes To A Party (6 pages)
SynopsisJoan covers an engagement party at the wealthy Haxford mansion. Johnny Haxford, engaged to singer Dinah, is shot to death. A pistol is found in Joan's purse, and she has to flee. She discovers bandleader Ted Lew, Dinah's former employer, killed Johnny with a gun hidden in his cane.
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Joan Mason; McPherson; Mike; Dinah Bank; Ted Lew; Johnny Haxford; Mr. Haxford
Notes"Ted Lew" is a reference to real-life bandleader Ted Lewis, right down to his iconic top hat and his catch-phrase "Is everybody happy?"
Comic StoryShowboat in the Sky (10 pages)
SynopsisAlan Hale donates some puppets to Cap'n Mary to auction for charity on her showboat. Criminals Seaweed and the Eel plant a bomb in a puppet to cause a distraction so they can rob the customs house. Alan plays "the mighty notes" on his organ and becomes the Puppeteer. He and his talking bird Raven save the day.
CreditsScript: Alex Hope (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Puppeteer [Alan Hale]; Ed Riley; Cap'n Mary; Seaweed; The Eel; Raven
NotesPuppeteer last appearance in BOOK OF COMICS #1 (as Captain V)
Comic StoryFiddler of Flame (10 pages)
SynopsisA series of arson fires attract the attention of the Puppeteer and his wise-cracking avian sidekick Raven. The arsonist is a crazed fiddler "with a Nero complex."
CreditsScript: Alex Hope (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Puppeteer [Alan Hale]; Raven; Ed Riley; Mr. Five By Five
NotesPuppeteer appears next in ROCKET KELLY #1 (regular series).
SynopsisHogan signs to fight Tiny Ruffo, then learns the boxer is controlled by gangster Boss McVey. McVey forces them to hold the bout in his arena, where his thugs will cause a disruption if Tony is losing. Hogan and his friends have other plans: in the middle of the fight, Hogan grabs Tiny and they speed away to a neutral arena with a fair referee. Hogan wins the bout and breaks McVey's crooked stranglehold on sports in the city.
CreditsScript: Jo Logan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Sports | Characters: One Round [Tim] Hogan; Spigot Barnett; Boss McVey; Tiny Ruffo
SynopsisHogan breaks his hand and is warned not to fight again until it heals. Miss Van Ralston says her sick brother Johnny is a Hogan fan. While Hogan is visiting Johnny, Blake tries to shoot him but is captured. The doctor and Blake were in cahoots to try to prevent Hogan from fighting Stuff McCabe: Hogan's hand is fine. Hogan defeats McCabe and Johnny will recover.
CreditsScript: Jo Logan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Sports | Characters: One Round [Tim] Hogan; Spigot Barnett; Gerard; Johnny Van Ralston; Carl; Miss Van Ralston; Shiny Blake; Stuff McCabe
SynopsisJudy asks her husband to babysit their two children while her bridge club meets. Cuthbert is at work, and the children disrupt the office, prompting Mr. Baggs to fire him. However, public opinion goes against the boss, and he asks Cuthbert to come back to work.
CreditsScript: Sam (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Domestic | Characters: Cuthbert Joy; Pinky Joy; Judy Joy; Miss G; Mr. Baggs; Peoria Joy
SynopsisCuthbert continually argues with his neighbour Stebbins and tries to find a new home for his family, but the housing shortage forces him to stay put.
ContentGenre: Humor; Domestic | Characters: Cuthbert Joy; Judy Joy; Mr. Stebbins; Pinky Joy; Steve
Synopsis4 gag cartoons.
CreditsScript: Walt Egan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor
Synopsis4 gag cartoons.
CreditsScript: Walt Egan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryThe Pigeons of Death (10 pages)
SynopsisJohnny, Suzie and Ronnie take a walk, then return to Ronnie's rooftop pigeon coop and find criminals have stolen some of his birds and killed the rest. They plan to make the pigeons flying bombs to down an FBI airplane. Johnny becomes the Green Mask and fights the crooks but Ronnie, the Green Mask and Suzie are captured. The crooks use rockets to send their 3 prisoners skyward as well, with bombs tied to them. Ronnie uses his lead pigeon to cause the rest of his flock to avoid the FBI plane. The bombs are dropped on the crooks' cave hideout and the "robber sub" waiting to pick them up.
CreditsScript: Jack Fiske (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Green Mask; Johnny Green; Suzie; Ronnie; Rummy
SynopsisSis and her brother sell lemonade to earn money for their father's birthday present, but the competition is tough.
CreditsScript: Mac Miller (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Children | Characters: Sis; Junior; Mom; Mary; Uncle Nick
SynopsisFive gag cartoons.
FeaturingThis n' That
CreditsScript: Walt Egan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor
NotesOne gag shows two cats looking at a poster for a Mickey Mouse cartoon. This is the only appearance of the "This n' That" feature (which is misspelled, should be "This 'n' That").
Comic StoryZooming Zoo (6 pages)
SynopsisLoop tries to promote his parents' air show, but his own wacky antics draw more attention.
CreditsScript:? [as Pat Regan]
ContentGenre: Adventure; Humor | Characters: Loop O'Day; Mr. O'Day; Mrs. O'Day; Jerry Dale; Mr. Dale
SynopsisGus and his sailor pal take a ride in an airplane. The pilot says they don't have to pay if they can keep silent during the entire flight. After going through various acrobatics, the pilot congratulates his passengers on not speaking. Gus says "I almost did yell once -- when my friend fell out of the plane!"
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Gus
SynopsisTo impress his commanding officer, Gus takes a role in an amateur play with the captain's daughter. However, his borrowed suit (borrowed from a magician) wrecks the performance.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Gus; Captain Marko; Miss Marko
Comic StoryThe Case of the Artistic Burglar (6 pages)
SynopsisDick is hired by an art museum to solve their crime wave. He accidentally captures the robber, who is the architect who designed the building.
CreditsScript: Hap Harris (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Detective-mystery | Characters: Dick Transom; Mr. Rose
NotesThe two Dick Transom stories in this book are not by the usual Dick Transom artist (Al Zere).
SynopsisIn Hawaii, detective Dick is hired by Mr. Parks to guard two chests of gold. German spies try to steal it, but Dick is too smart for them.
CreditsScript: Hap Harris (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Detective-mystery | Characters: Dick Transom; Mr. Parks; Pop Transom; Mimi Parks; Gregory
NotesThe two Dick Transom stories in this book are not by the usual Dick Transom artist (Al Zere).
SynopsisWaterman and Wetmore visit Dr. Philly and Waterman accidentally takes some horse-vitamins. He wins a race.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Waterman O'Brine; Wetmore O'Brine; Dr. Slick Philly; Weasel
SynopsisSailors Wetmore and Waterman get shore leave. They decide to have some seafood instead of their usual hot dogs and beer, but run into a hostile waiter and have a delirious undersea dream.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Wetmore O'Brine; Waterman O'Brine; Davey Jones; Mrs. Jones; Pearl Jones; Captain Kidd
Comic StoryThe Schemers (6 pages)
SynopsisGangster Packer tries to blackmail politician Roberts over the purchase of some black market tires. Johnny and Rusty break up the racket.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Johnny Earthquake; Rusty Ringle; Slats Packer; Roberts; Maxie
NotesJohnny Earthquake (app. between BOOK OF COMICS #1 / BLUE BEETLE #44)
Comic StoryPrescription For Crime (6 pages)
SynopsisDr. Henry turns to crime to finance his experiments on a new hypnotising gas. Red Robbins solves the case.
CreditsScript: Ron Rogan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Red Robbins; Professor Gracen; Doctor Henry; Dean Parker; Rosalyn
NotesRed Robbins (last app. in BOOK OF COMICS #1)
Comic StoryNickel Snatchers (6 pages)
SynopsisSlip and his gang hijack a shipment of nickels from subway turnstiles. Red and Speed capture the crooks.
CreditsScript: Ron Rogan (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Red Robbins; Slip Jackal; Bugsy; Speed; Rosalyn
NotesRed Robbins next appearance in ALL YOUR COMICS #1 (second one-shot).
SynopsisMilitary policeman Mike and his pal go to a fancy club's "Servicemen's Night," but the rich women in attendance are only interested in rich servicemen. Mike wins the lottery but his ticket gets ruined.
CreditsScript: Tod Kay (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Mike Waters; Annette Goldburke; Vicki Gottling
SynopsisMike and his pal think they are out of luck because the baseball game is sold out, but Frank the Fixer gets them a rooftop view.
CreditsScript: Tod Kay (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Mike Waters; Frank the Fixer
SynopsisSnard hires a hobo to impersonate him so he has an alibi for a jewel robbery. Snard's gang, including the tramp, are arrested. Snard pretends to be the hobo and is jailed for the hobo's crimes.
CreditsScript: Cy King (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Snard; Limey; Gloop; Officer O'Clancy; Officer Hoolihan; Hobo Horace
SynopsisInky the worm fights boxing skunk champion Red in order to impress his girlfriend-worm Inny.
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Red Kamphor (a skunk); Inny; Inky
SynopsisKarrots invents motorised roller skates and he and his pal Goopy test them out.
CreditsScript: Bud Davis (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Karrots (a rabbit); Goopy
SynopsisKarrots invents a thief-trap. At first it appears he's accidentally caught a policeman, but it turns out the trap caught a crook disguised as a cop.
CreditsScript: Bud Davis (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Karrots; Goopy; Officer O'Hoolihan
SynopsisPussy loses the jam-making contest because Boss Hogan's henchman switched the labels on the jars. Pussy drinks her Katnip Fizz and sorts out the mess.
CreditsScript: Toby (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pussy Katnip; George; Boss Hogan; Mugsy
Comic StorySafe in a Storm (3 pages)
SynopsisThe Boss sends Mugsy to rob Pussy's cafe but she drinks her Katnip Fizz and exposes the crime.
CreditsScript: Toby (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pussy Katnip; George; Boss Hogan; Mugsy
Comic StoryBubble Trouble (6 pages)
SynopsisSnooky tries to help Honey Bear overcome his fear of swimming.
CreditsScript: Toby (credited) (house name)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals; Children | Characters: Snooky (a little girl); Honey Bear
SynopsisSolve the mystery in a minute
ContentGenre: Crime
NotesInside back cover is an ad for war bonds. Back cover is blank
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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