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Fantastic Adventures v14 12 - Revenge of the Robots - Lawrence Chandler

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Fantastic Adventures
Date | Number: v14 12 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Fantastic Adventures v14 12 - Revenge of the Robots - Lawrence Chandler
Fantastic Adventures v14 12 - Revenge of the Robots - Lawrence Chandler (61 of 61)
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Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.25 | Pages: 132 | Cover Artist: Robert Gibson Jones
PublisherZiff-Davis Publishing Company | Editor : Howard Browne
NotesVolume 14, Number 12.
Managing Editor L. E. Shaffer initials the editorial with the initials 'LES'.
Interior artwork credited for each story on the table of contents.
Nobu Shimotanka is probably the same artist credited elsewhere as Nobu Shimotsuka.
Page: 2Men Behind Fantastic Adventures: Tom Beecham - essay by Tom Beecham
Page: 3The Editor's Notebook (Fantastic Adventures, December 1952) - essay by L. E. Shaffer
Page: 3Cartoon" "How do I know? I guess they passed the test ...." - interior artwork by Cecil Lowen
Page: 6Revenge of the Robots - by Lawrence Chandler
Page: 6Revenge of the Robots - interior artwork by Ed Emsler
Page: 58Hyperspace - essay by Charles Recour
Page: 59Who'll Do the Dirty Work? - essay by Walt Crain
Page: 59The Age of Turbines - essay by Paul Tate
Page: 60Eye of Medusa - by Charles Creighton
Page: 60Eye of Medusa - interior artwork by William Slade
Page: 74Steel That Floats - essay by E. Bruce Yaches
Page: 75The Glass Age - essay by Merritt Linn
Page: 75Sound That Stops a Ship - essay by Sam Dewey
Page: 76Make Way for Your Corpse - by Milton Lesser
Page: 76Make Way for Your Corpse - interior artwork by Gaylord Welker
Page: 81Reader's Page (Fantastic Adventures, December 1952) - essay by The Editor
Page: 82Hell Is Up Above - by Stuart Faulkner
Page: 82Hell Is Up Above - interior artwork by Nobu Shimotanka
Page: 126Power - for Tomorrow's Auto - essay by John Weston
Page: 129Mighty Magnesium - essay by Jon Barry
Page: 129Hellfire and Brimstone - essay by Walt Crain
Page: 130Big Inventory - essay by A. T. Kedzie
Page: 130Fantastic Combination - essay by Mort Daly
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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