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Fightin' Army
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NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Fightin' Army 16
Fightin' Army 16 (1 of 63)
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Additional Information
PublicationJanuary 1956 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Bi-Monthly
ContentGenre: War
Comic StoryFlight Of Fancy (14 pages)
SynopsisQuigley and Beals are assigned to guard a Navy experimental rocket.
FeaturingQuigley and Beals
ContentGenre: Humor; War | Characters: PFC Patrick Michael Quigley; PFC Marmaduke (The Duke) Beals
NotesArt credits updated to recognize that the Toby original was signed by Mel Keefer. In this reprint Charlton's production staff (probably Dick Giordano) systematically reduced the breast size of Lotta throughout the story, and gave the dream-sequence character Maria a much less revealing outfit.
Text StoryHoming Pigeon (2 pages)
CreditsPencils:? (illustration) | Inks:? (illustration) | Colors:? (illustration) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: War
Notesfirst page of story says "continued on inside back cover" but it is on the flip side of that page.
Comic StoryErrand Of Mercy (4 pages)
SynopsisQuigley and Beals are corpsmen duty.
FeaturingQuigley and Beals
ContentGenre: Humor; War | Characters: Quigley; Beals
NotesArt credits updated to indicate that in both Toby printings of the story the splash panel is signed by Mel Keefer; the Charlton production staff appears to have eradicated this signature. Two changes were made to this story to appease Comics Code Authority censors: (1) the stretcher that Quigley uses on both pages one and four to knock back the North Koreans is eliminated, leaving him looking like he's doing this all with his bare hands; (2) the beautiful female war correspondent on page two has suffered a significant breast reduction.
Comic StoryThe Mysterious Idol (7 pages)
SynopsisMarines are assigned to guard an idol on an island.
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Canarsie, Tex
NotesMultiple changes (aside from the name change) made to this story when Charlton reprinted it in order to satisfy Comics Code Authority censors. These include text changes as from "News Flash! Man-eating idol swallows Marines!" to "News Flash! Marines disappear!"; and illustrations removing the bullets that severely wound a Marine on page six.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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