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Book Cover For Famous Indian Tribes
Famous Indian Tribes (15 of 43)
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Additional Information
PublicationJuly-September 1962 | Price: 0.12 USD | Pages: 1
CreditsPencils:? (painting) | Inks:? (painting) | Colors:? (painting)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Little Horses (1 page)
SynopsisThe extinction of horses in the Americas, and their re-establishment with the arrival of Europeans.
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Nature
NotesIn black and white on inside front cover
Comic StoryThe Sioux Indians (32 pages)
SynopsisHistory of the Sioux people, including repeated aggression and covenant breaking by the United States.
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; History | Characters: Vikings; Sioux; Blackfoot; Chippewas; Shoshoni [Shonshone]; Tecumseh; Red Cloud; Sitting Bull; Ojibways; Hernán Cortés [Cortez]; Spanish colonial officials; white encroachers; Little Crow; Tom Fitzpatrick; General George Crook; General Alfred Terry; General John Gibbon; Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer; Lieutenant John Lawrence Grattan; U.S. soldiers
NotesThe "history" of Norse cities in North America has no scholarly credence.
Comic StoryWhere Did the Indians Come From? (1 page)
SynopsisOrigins of the Native Americans
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; History | Characters: Christopher Columbus; people of the West Indies; Hernán Cortés [Cortez]; Paleo-Indians
NotesIn black and white on inside back cover
Comic StoryThe Sioux Model for American Artists (1 page)
SynopsisHow the Sioux have become a frequent depiction for any Native American
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; History | Characters: Frederic Remington; Sioux; William F. Cody [Buffalo Bill]
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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