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Stamps Comics
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SourceThis book was scanned from a copy in the JVJ Archive.
NotesScanned from a book with a torn back cover. rangerhouse scans / movielover - Novus edits
There is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Stamp Comics 6
Stamp Comics 6 (3 of 9)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationAugust 1952 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Bi-monthly
FeaturingThe Four Chaplains
CreditsPencils: Stephen Kirkel? | Inks: Stephen Kirkel?
ContentGenre: Religious
Comic StoryThe Story of the Four Chaplains (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Stephen Kirkel (signed) | Inks: Stephen Kirkel
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Religious
Notesfeatured stamp Four Chaplains Issue 1948 Scot #956 3C Grey-Black. See Living Bible #3 Spring 1946.
Comic StoryThe Fires of Kilauea (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Vince Napoli | Inks: Vince Napoli
ContentGenre: Adventure; Non-fiction
Notesfeatured stamp: Hawaii 1894 Scott #75 2C Brown
Comic StoryAdmiral Richard E. Byrd and the South Pole Expedition (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Ed Goldfarb | Inks: Bob Baer
ContentGenre: Adventure; Non-fiction
Notesfeatured stamp: Byrd Antarctic Issue 1933 Scott #733 3C Dark Blue
Comic StorySpear Fishing (3 pages)
CreditsPencils: H. C. Kiefer | Inks: H. C. Kiefer
ContentGenre: Adventure
Notesfeatured stamp: French Equatorial Africa 1946 Scott #180 6FR Dark Blue
FeaturingOddities In Stamps
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
Text ArticleGetting the Most Out of Your Stamp Collection (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
Comic StoryFulton's Folly (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Doug Wildey (signed) | Inks: Doug Wildey
ContentGenre: Adventure; Non-fiction
Notesfeatured stamp: Hudson Fulton Celebration Issue 1909 Scott #372 2C Carmine
Comic StoryHercules and the Monsters (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Harry Harrison (signed Harrison)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
Notesfeatured stamp: Monaco 1948 Scott #210 1 FR. Red
Comic StoryRemember The Alamo (3 pages)
CreditsPencils: Walter Palais | Inks: Walter Palais
ContentGenre: Adventure; Non-fiction
Notesfeatured stamp: Texas Centennial Issue 1936 Scott #776 3C Purple
Comic StoryWhat's My Name? (2 pages)
Synopsiswho was the inventor of the Dirigible?
CreditsPencils: H. C. Kiefer | Inks: H. C. Kiefer
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
Notes2nd contest to name the historical person on whom the stamp is based on.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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