Comments |
Is the cover artist / painter Robert McGinnis? Looks like it to me.
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Wow! I agree. As a huge McGinnis fan I've never heard anything about a comic book cover by him. The pose looks like his work and since this is a Dell comic it might be possible some Dell paperback art ended up on the cover. But he was imitated by and swiped from by lots of other artists of the era. I'd love to see more info, as well! |
Even though Dell was my favorite company back in my collecting days, I never saw this book before now. Hy Eisman and Vince Colletta make quite a team. Colletta's inks add flash and glamour to the mix, but the women's enormous breasts and wasp waists look almost comical (I notice this was toned down in the second issue).
I agree the cover might have originated on a Dell paperback, but though they're well-painted, the faces of the man and the woman aren't McGinnis' style. |
Great to see Hy Eisman credited here. He and Colletta DID make quite a team when they worked together! |
This is really one heck of a story, with a moral, and a full-length story at that. It's only partly romance, though, as it's more about the business setting and office politics. |
Given the pulchritude in the art, I just had to wonder if lines like “I hope the drapes go with the carpet” and “That chest goes in the bedroom” were doubling the entendres? Not to mention the club called “B.J’s” which he thinks she will like and two characters with “Dick” as part of their name.
I love the early 60’s art and coloring in this, plus the very evocative compositions. Really beautiful. A relatively adult story for a comic of the era, but nicely done. The story is very reminiscent of an early 1930’s “Pre-Code” movie called BABY FACE. |
LOL "Hello, give me the highest paid job right away with your most HANDSOME and richest CEO!" |
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Additional Information |
Publication | December 1962-February 1963 | Price: 0.12 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Quarterly |
Featuring | Private Secretary |
Credits | Pencils:? (painted) | Inks:? (painted) | Colors:? (painted) | Letters: typeset |
Content | Genre: Romance | Characters: Kim Garland |
Comic Story | "Thousands and thousands of girls..." (1 page) |
Content | Genre: Romance |
Notes | In black and white on inside front cover |
Featuring | Private Secretary |
Content | Genre: Romance | Characters: Kim Garland; Joan Marianna; Rosemary Johns; Phil Dickson; Warren Minton |
Content | Genre: Romance |
Notes | In black and white on inside back cover |
Content | Genre: Romance |
Notes | Back cover |
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a
Creative Commons Attribution License.
More details about this comic may be available in their page here |