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Wonder Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Between Earth and Moon - Otfrid von Hanstein

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Wonder Stories Quarterly
Date | Number: v2 1 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesPages 143-4 missing
There is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Wonder Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Between Earth and Moon - Otfrid von Hanstein
Wonder Stories Quarterly v2 1 - Between Earth and Moon - Otfrid von Hanstein (2 of 11)
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Additional Information
PublicationSeptember 1930 | Price: $0.50 | Pages: 148 | Cover Artist: Frank R. Paul
PublisherStellar Publishing Corporation | Editor : Hugo Gernsback
NotesVol. 2, No. 1 The October 1930 issue of Wonder Stories has an ad saying that this issue would be on sale Sep. 15, 1930. The full text and images of this edition are available at The Pulp Magazines Project. The scan is missing pages 143-144. Primary Verification done from scanned images.
Page: 2Wonder Stories Quarterly (table of contents) - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 5Science Fiction vs. Science Faction - essay by Hugo Gernsback
Page: 6Between Earth and Moon (Complete Novel) - serial by Otfrid von Hanstein
Page: 6Between Earth and Moon - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 14Between Earth and Moon [2] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 20Between Earth and Moon [3] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 24Between Earth and Moon [4] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 29Between Earth and Moon [5] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 34Between Earth and Moon [6] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 40Between Earth and Moon [7] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 60An Atomic Adventure - by William Lemkin, Ph.D.
Page: 60An Atomic Adventure - interior artwork by Marchioni
Page: 80The Island of Terror - by Ransome Sutton
Page: 80The Island of Terror - interior artwork by Marchioni
Page: 87The Island of Terror [2] - interior artwork by Marchioni
Page: 94The Struggle for Neptune - by Henrik Dahl Juve
Page: 94The Struggle for Neptune - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 106The Secret of the Tomb - by R. Crossley Arnold
Page: 106The Secret of the Tomb - interior artwork by Miller (I)
Page: 128The Revenge of the Chosen - by Thomas H. Knight
Page: 128The Revenge of the Chosen - interior artwork by Marchioni
Page: 138The Reader Speaks (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930) - essay by The Editor
Page: 138|138.1Letter (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930): On Utopias - essay by Charles Rush, Jr.
Page: 140Letter (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930): Science Fiction Week—Every Week! - essay by Conrad H. Ruppert
Page: 141Letter (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1930): A New Friend - essay by Forrest J. Ackerman
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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