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Fantastic Adventures v1 2 - The Scientist's Revolt - Edgar Rice Burroughs

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Fantastic Adventures
Date | Number: v1 2 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Fantastic Adventures v1 2 - The Scientist's Revolt - Edgar Rice Burroughs
Fantastic Adventures v1 2 - The Scientist's Revolt - Edgar Rice Burroughs (2 of 61)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.20 | Pages: 100 | Cover Artist: Leo Morey
PublisherZiff-Davis Publishing Company | Editor : Raymond A. Palmer
  • Vol 1, No 2.
  • Page numbers run 3-98.
  • The front cover illustrates "Invaders from Sirius."
  • Front cover art is credited to and signed "Leo Morey." Back cover art is credited to "Frank R. Paul" and is signed "Paul."
  • Interior art is not credited individually by story, but the contents page states "Illustrations by: Julian S. Krupa, Robert Fuqua, Leo Morey, Jay Jackson and Kenneth J. Reeve."
  • Story art for "The Scientists Revolt" on pages 6-7 is signed "Julian Krupa"; that on pages 10, 11, 15 is unsigned.
  • Art for "Romance of the Elements.....Aluminum" is signed "Rod Ruth."
  • Story art for "The Golden Amazon" on pages 32-33 is signed "Julian Krupa"; that on page 39 shows no signature.
  • Story art for "The Monster from Nowhere" on page 47 is signed "Jay Jackson."
  • Story art for "Fantastic Hoaxes: The Cardiff Giant" on page 54 is signed "Joe Sewell." He is credited thus on the story pages.
  • Story art for "Intrigue in Lemuria" on pages 56-57 is signed "Robt Fuqua." The story's author is given as "Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr." on the contents page but as "Frederick Arnold Kummer, Jr." at the start of the story.
  • Story art for "She Walked Alone" on page 66 is signed "K. J. Reeve."
  • Story art for "Invaders from Sirius" on pages 74-75 and 85 is signed "Leo Morey."
  • "The Man from Venus" on page 97 consists of an uncredited essay describing the back cover illustration, and a line-drawing facsimile of the back cover art with captions on various parts of the drawing. This line drawing is uncredited and unsigned.
  • "Story Contest" solicits reader votes on the best story in each issue. The top two authors get cash prizes.
  • "Introducing the Author" contains short essays about or by some of the authors in the issue. This month those of Bond, Kummer, and Ayre are atttributed to the authors; that of Burroughs is an uncredited biography written in third person.
  • "Quiz Page" is a series of science questions for the reader. Answers are on page 96.
  • "Reader's Page" is a letters column.
Page: bcThe Man from Venus - interior artwork by Frank R. Paul
Page: 4|4.1The Editor's Notebook (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by The Editor
Page: 4|4.2Cartoon: "You're Too Late, Professor. The Patent Rights Are All in My Name!" - interior artwork by Dick Shaw
Page: 6The Scientists Revolt - by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Page: 6The Scientists Revolt - interior artwork by Julian S. Krupa
Page: 31Romance of the Elements.....Aluminum - essay by uncredited
Page: 31Romance of the Elements.....Aluminum - interior artwork by Rod Ruth
Page: 32The Golden Amazon - by Thornton Ayre
Page: 32The Golden Amazon - interior artwork by Julian S. Krupa
Page: 44The Tipping Earth - essay by Morrison Colladay
Page: 46The Monster from Nowhere - by Nelson S. Bond
Page: 46The Monster from Nowhere - interior artwork by Jay Jackson
Page: 54Fantastic Hoaxes: The Cardiff Giant - essay by Julius Schwartz
Page: 54Fantastic Hoaxes: The Cardiff Giant - interior artwork by Joe Sewell
Page: 56Intrigue in Lemuria - by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
Page: 56Intrigue in Lemuria - interior artwork by Robert Fuqua
Page: 66She Walked Alone - by John Russell Fearn
Page: 66She Walked Alone - interior artwork by Kenneth J. Reeve
Page: 74Invaders from Sirius - by Ed Earl Repp
Page: 74Invaders from Sirius - interior artwork by Leo Morey
Page: 87Story Contest - essay by uncredited
Page: 88|88.1Introducing the Author: Nelson S. Bond (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by Nelson S. Bond
Page: 88|88.2Introducing the Author: Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
Page: 89|89.1Introducing the Author: Thornton Ayre (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by Thornton Ayre
Page: 89|89.2Introducing the Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs - essay by uncredited
Page: 90Quiz Page (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by uncredited
Page: 91|91.1Reader's Page (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939) - essay by various
Page: 91|91.2Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): Fish Do Sleep! - essay by A. Hyatt Verrill
Page: 92Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): Constructive Criticism - essay by Jack Darrow
Page: 94Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): Caustic - essay by T. Bruce Yerke
Page: 95|95.1Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): Every Month—And Novels - essay by Julius Unger
Page: 95|95.2Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): An Author Is Enthused - essay by Manly Wade Wellman
Page: 95|95.3Letter (Fantastic Adventures, July 1939): Can't Choose - essay by John Cunningham
Page: 97The Man from Venus - essay by Frank R. Paul
Page: 97The Man from Venus - interior artwork by uncredited
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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