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Four Color (1939 Series)
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Book Cover For 23 - Gang Busters
23 - Gang Busters (16 of 17)
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Additional Information
Publication1941 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1
ContentGenre: Crime
Text ArticleThe Teeth of the Law (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Crime
NotesOn inside front cover in black, white and blue.
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: John Winston; Tony Carter; Hank Lamar [also as John Williams; also as Mr. Hammer; also as George Benson] (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Thula [also as Rose Dean]; Gus McGoig (villain); Clarence Bunch (villain; death); Pete Dean (villain); Frank Hopson (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer Tobin; Officer Ryan; Mr. Morton; Mrs. Morton; Whitey Day (villain, death); Sharp (villain); Nick (villain); Smiley (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer Mike Bauer (death); Mr. Janes; Edwin Asher; Mrs. Asher; Mr. Pacelli; Mrs. Hall; Mabel; Joe Prince [also as Joe Klein] (villain); Rusty Hall (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Pat; Clarence; Bill; Dave Durk (villain); The Phantom [Jud Durk; also as Jim Mason] (villain); Tex Willard (villain); Jess (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer John Floyd (death); Mr. Allen; Red Caulkett [also as H.C. Jones; also as H.C. Johnson] (villain, death); M.H. Dugan [also as J. Blake] (villain, death)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Sally Jones; Mr. Baumann; Spatz [Bud Hogan] (villain); Howard Sawyer (villain)
Comic StoryPete Bono (6 pages)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Mr. Loeder; Mr. Smith (death); Pete Bono (villain); Bo Baxter (villain)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer Kelly; Jake; Joyce; Harlequin Eyes [Sigmund Shults] (villain); Sadie Shults (villain, death)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer Grey; Ralph Gilmore (death); The Durowsky Gang [Jan Durowsky (villain, death); Grogan (villain, death); Jack (villain, death); Slug (villain, death)]
Comic Story'Sailor' Kimbro (6 pages)
ContentGenre: Crime | Characters: Chief John Winston; Officer Murphy; Sadie; Sailor Kimbro (villain); Jake Curry (villain)
NotesStory concludes on inside back cover and back cover. Inside back cover is in black, white and blue.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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