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Four Color (1942 Series)
Date | Number: 733 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For 0733 - Buck Jones
0733 - Buck Jones (230 of 476)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1956 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1
NotesPencils, inks, and colors credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Buck Jones
NotesPencils, inks, and colors credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
Text ArticleChoker Team (1 page)
SynopsisFacts about horse teams that pulled cut logs down hills.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesInside front cover; black and white. Large illustration with typeset text.
Comic StoryPerilous Crossing (18 pages)
SynopsisBuck rides to Granite City and finds that Jim McCormick, a friend, is selling cattle. He meets McCormick's foreman and also McCormick's son, who had been missing for many years and had just recently turned up. Riding on to the McCormick ranch, Buck notices that the foreman seems to be very controlling of McCormick's son and decides to investigate.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Buck Jones; Silver-B (horse); Jim McCormick; Mike McCormick; Wade Yancy
NotesPencils, inks, and letters credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
Comic StoryBuck Jones and the Man Called Johnson (15 pages)
SynopsisMort Kreger, thief, forger, and renegade, assumes the identity of Luke Johnson after he ambushes him. Buck comes across Johnson and takes him to town where Johnson plans to withdraw some money from the bank, only to find that the impostor has been there first.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Buck Jones; Silver-B (horse); Mort Kreger; Luke Johnson
NotesStory concludes on inside back cover in black and white. The last panel is Dell's "A Pledge to Parents." Pencils, inks, and letters credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
AdvertisementThe Happy Cereal (1 page)
FeaturingTrix; General Mills
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover. Illustrated ad for Trix breakfast cereal.
Text ArticleComanche (1 page)
SynopsisComanche, ridden by Captain Myles Keogh, was the sole survivor of Custer's Last Stand in 1876 near the Little Bighorn River in Montana.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Comanche (horse)
NotesVariant back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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