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1295 - Mister Ed, The Talking Horse

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Four Color (1942 Series)
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Book Cover For 1295 - Mister Ed, The Talking Horse
1295 - Mister Ed, The Talking Horse (461 of 476)
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   By wdport
I love the television show, but I never realized that there was a comic based on it. Thank you for the post.
   By Nuts4clara
Not bad, but the humor could have been better. Plus, the cartoonist made both Kay and Carol look too attractive for their own good; at times, Carol looks like Brenda Starr, while on one page she looks like the late Florence Henderson! And as for Wilbur, he looks like Jackie Martling from the Howard Stern Show in a couple of pages!
   By comickraut
Oh, look, another TV series, that was also very successful in Germany, but not all episodes of which were shown on German TV. For many Germans, the words "A horse is a horse of course of course" were the first English words, they spoke and understood, hahaha. :-) The human leading actor, Alan Young, also played a role in the film "The Time Machine" (1960) and this is one of my favorite films.
Additional Information
PublicationMarch-May 1962 | Price: 0.15 USD | Pages: 1
FeaturingMister Ed the Talking Horse
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Colors:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Wilbur Post (photo of Alan Young); Mister Ed (horse, photo)
Foreword/AfterwordCute Filly / Free Delivery (1 page)
SynopsisPreview of two stories in the issue.
FeaturingMister Ed
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Wilbur Post (photo of Alan Young); Carol Post (photo of Connie Hines); Mister Ed (horse, photo)
NotesInside front cover; black and white. Photo and two-panel previews of stories in the issue. Pencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007); Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
Comic StoryA Cute Filly (10 pages)
SynopsisWilbur and Carol take Mister Ed to the State Fair to meet a filly that Ed saw on television.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post; Carol Post; Roger Addison; Kay Addison
NotesPencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
Comic StoryThe Sports Car (1 page)
SynopsisWilbur borrows a friend's sports car, but Mister Ed has to tow it after it runs out of gas.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post; Carol Post; Roger Addison; Kay Addison
NotesPencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007); Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
Comic StoryAmateur Architect (11 pages)
SynopsisMister Ed helps Wilbur design a modern style house for a client.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post; Carol Post (cameo)
NotesPencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007). Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
Comic StoryFree Delivery (9 pages)
SynopsisCarol and Kay decide to use Mister Ed and a wagon to haul their groceries from the supermarket, rather than pay delivery fees.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post; Carol Post; Roger Addison; Kay Addison
NotesPencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007). Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
Comic StoryFood For Thought (1 page)
SynopsisA salesman tries to sell Wilbur some horse feed, but Mister Ed doesn't like the sample he's given.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post
NotesPencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007).
Comic StoryGift Horse (1 page)
SynopsisMister Ed orders a tape recorder, considering it to be a proper gift for a talking horse.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post
NotesInside back cover; black and white. Pencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007). Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
Comic StoryThe Right Trail (1 page)
SynopsisWhile on a trail ride, Mister Ed guides Wilbur to Echo Mountain, so he can hear his own echoes.
FeaturingMister Ed
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Mister Ed (horse); Wilbur Post
NotesBack cover. Pencils and inks credits for this sequence from Alberto Becattini (May 14, 2007). Script credit from Robin Snyder's The Comics! Vol. 22, no. 6 (June 2011).
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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