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Four Color (1939 Series)
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Book Cover For 03 - Myra North
03 - Myra North (2 of 17)
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Additional Information
Publication1939 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1
CoverMyra North Special Nurse
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North
CreditsLetters:?; typeset
ContentCharacters: John Carter
SynopsisBizarre story of Myra assisting a Dr. Duval with a brain operation on an ape to have it assist with a bank robbery.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Inspector Henley; Dr. Duval; Tito; Jack Lane; Caesar; Ruppert
SynopsisA gangster has Myra treat his wound.
FeaturingCrackajack One Page Thrillers; Myra North
CreditsPencils:? (illustration) | Inks:? (illustration) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Pete Gallenti; Joe; Jack Lane
SynopsisMyra and Jack investigate the death of a sculptor.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Myra North; Jack Lane; Caesar; Hodkins; Jeffrey Garland; Dr. Wilfred Meeker; Mrs. Meeker
NotesStory continues from the ape sequence into story about a murdered sculptor. Needs to be checked against a paper copy, but an online scan of this issue has two pages mixed around. Page four of this story should be page two of the Lily James story and vice versa. Page begins with the first line, "That's it exactly Miss North".
Text StoryMyra North Files A Claim (1 page)
SynopsisMyra tries to file an oil lease.
FeaturingCrackajack One Page Thrillers; Myra North
CreditsPencils:? (illustrations) | Inks:? (illustrations) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Mrs. Crandall; John Marsfield; Walt Dixon; Jed Wilson
SynopsisMyra's adventures with a set of twins, kidnapping and a sea voyage.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Jack Lane; Lew Wen; Arnold Jason; Ezra Embold; M; Miss Delby; Bill Dakin; Wilkins; Carson; Mark; Moses; Queen Ellen
SynopsisMyra is taking care of a patient whose condition worsens after some friends visit.
FeaturingCrackajack One Page Thrillers; Myra North
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Jerry Southern; Pinky Southern; Jack Lane
SynopsisMyra is called in for an undercover mission.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Jack Lane; Lew Wen
Text StoryMyra North Traps the Jewel Thieves (1 page)
SynopsisTwo crooks plan to rob a rich woman of her jewels.
FeaturingCrackajack One Page Thrillers; Myra North
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Mrs. Hathaway; Mikey Dennis; Steve Jones
SynopsisMyra gets involved with murder in a nightclub called the Purple Slipper.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Medical | Characters: Myra North; Rocco; Eric Cardell; Ben Coffin; Tania Renel; Hank
NotesNeeds to be checked against a paper copy, but an online scan of this issue has two pages mixed around. Page one of this story is page four of the Garland murder mystery and page four of that story should be page two of this story, including the previous indexed one-pager as the first page of this story. The first two panels of the 6/29 strip are missing. The last two panels of the 7/30 strip are missing.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Martan; Vana
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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