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Thrilling Romances
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SourceThis book was scanned from a copy in the JVJ Archive.
Notesrangerhouse scans / movielover-novus edits
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Book Cover For Thrilling Romances 23
Thrilling Romances 23 (19 of 22)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1953 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Colors:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Romance
Comic StoryChance For Happiness (10 pages)
SynopsisAn immigrant bride comes to the U.S. to be with her ex-G.I. husband, but must deal with the disapproval of her father-in-law.
CreditsPencils: Alex Toth | Inks: Mike Peppe | Job #: E-838
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Freda Morgan; Johnny Morgan; Bertram Morgan; Bill Morgan
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. Previous indexer suggested Toth for inks, too.
SynopsisWoody helps Ivy buy a bathing suit.
CreditsJob #: B-732
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Ivy; Woody
Noteshalf-page filler beneath an advertisement for The Fun Man novelty catalog.
Comic StoryOut of the Frying Pan... (1 page)
SynopsisCautionary tale about lying to a potential romantic partner.
CreditsJob #: R-709
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Joyce; Jack; Bert; Marion
Comic StoryMagic of Love (7 pages)
SynopsisBookish sister Pinky falls in love with her glamourous sister's boyfriend.
CreditsPencils: Art Saaf | Inks: Art Saaf | Job #: R-817
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Pinky Stevens; Myra Stevens; Jeff Mitchell; Steve; Mr. Stevens; Mrs. Stevens; Frank
NotesInformation on this sequence supplied by Steve Saaf and Jim Vadeboncouer, June 2008.
Text StoryCall Me Darling (2 pages)
SynopsisGeraldine yearns to have her neighbor Lew, a soldier on leave from Korea, to see her as more than a little girl.
CreditsScript: Margaret Isbell | Letters: typeset | Job #: R849
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Geraldine Barrett; Lew Hunter
NotesPage 1 includes half-page illustrated Title comic panel (no dialogue) Page 2 includes a single illustrated comic panel (no dialogue)
Comic StoryHow Cosmetics and Jewelry Began (1 page)
Synopsisshort comparison of "primitive" culture origins of using body paint and jewelry, leaping to modern day illustration
CreditsPencils: Vernon Greene | Inks: Vernon Greene
ContentGenre: Romance
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr.
Comic StoryTake My Heart (8 pages)
SynopsisJane Tyler escapes small-town life, moving to work in Washington D.C. and to find a sophisticated husband, only to meet a small-town doctor.
CreditsPencils: Vince Colletta (signed) | Inks: Vince Colletta (signed) | Job #: R-804
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Jane Tyler; Agnes; Mary; Jim Lane; Dr. Ken Baird; Mr. Wilson; Sally
Comic StoryAnd Nothing Can Be Done About It (1 page)
SynopsisEddy tries unsuccessfully to get "Angel Stuff" to go out with him.
CreditsPencils: Paul Robinson | Inks: Paul Robinson
ContentGenre: Humor; Teen
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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