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NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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48 Famous Americans (nn) (1 of 22)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By armando
Gracias por vuestro gran trabajo.
   By The Australian Panther
Jack Kirby pops up in the darnedest places!
Additional Information
Publication1947 | Price: 0.00 FREE | Pages: 1
Notesgiveaway comic. Per Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the cover and the entirety of the issue. Nick Caputo suspects some possible assistance on a few faces and figures. Simon info per Harry Mendryk's blog:
Cover48 Famous Americans
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Charles Evans Hughes; George Washington; Abraham Lincoln; Chester W. Nimitz; Thomas A. Edison; Benjamin Franklin
Notesgiveaway comic. Per Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the cover and the entirety of the issue. Nick Caputo suspects some possible assistance on a few faces and figures. Simon info per Harry Mendryk's blog:
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesOn inside front cover.
Comic StoryJane Addams (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Jane Addams
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJohn J. Audubon (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: John J. Audubon; Lucy Audubon
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryP.T. Barnum (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: P.T. Barnum; Jenny Lind
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryAlex. Graham Bell (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Alexander Graham Bell; Thomas A. Watson; Don Pedro II
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryIrving Berlin (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Irving Berlin
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryDaniel Boone (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; Western-frontier | Characters: Daniel Boone
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryLuther Burbank (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Luther Burbank
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryAdmiral Byrd (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Admiral Richard Byrd; Franklin Delano Roosevelt
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryBuffalo Bill (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; Western-frontier | Characters: Buffalo Bill Cody
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryGeorge Washington Carver (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: George Washington Carver
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJames Fenimore Cooper (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: James Fenimore Cooper; Susan Cooper
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJack Dempsey (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; Sports | Characters: Jack Dempsey; Jess Willard
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryAmelia Earhart (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Aviation; Biography | Characters: Amelia Earhart
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryThomas A. Edison (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Thomas A. Edison
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryDwight D. Eisenhower (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; War | Characters: Dwight D. Eisenhower
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryHenry Ford (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Henry Ford
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryStephen Foster (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Stephen Foster
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryBenjamin Franklin (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Benjamin Franklin
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryRobert Fulton (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Robert Fulton; Robert R. Livingston
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryHenry Louis Gehrig (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; Sports | Characters: Lou Gehrig
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryGeorge W. Goethals (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: George W. Goethals; Theodore Roosevelt
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryUlysses S. Grant (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Ulysses S. Grant; Robert E. Lee
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryNathan Hale (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Nathan Hale; George Washington
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryPatrick Henry (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Patrick Henry; John Henry
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryHerbert Hoover (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Herbert Hoover
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryCharles Evans Hughes (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Charles Evans Hughes
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryCordell Hull (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Cordell Hull
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryThomas Jefferson (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Thomas Jefferson
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJohn Paul Jones (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: John Paul Jones
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryHelen Keller (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Helen Keller; Anne Sullivan
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryGen. William S. Knudsen (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: William S. Knudsen
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryRobert E. Lee (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; War | Characters: Robert E. Lee; Abraham Lincoln; Ulysses S. Grant
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryAbraham Lincoln (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Abraham Lincoln
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryGeorge C. Marshall (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; War | Characters: General George C. Marshall; General John J. Pershing
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryMayo Brothers (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Charles Mayo; William Mayo; William Worrall Mayo
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryDouglas MacArthur (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; War | Characters: Douglas MacArthur; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Harry S. Truman
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryChester W. Nimitz (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography; War | Characters: Chester W. Nimitz; Franklin Delano Roosevelt
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryTom Paine (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Thomas Paine; King George III
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJames Cash Penney (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: James Cash Penney
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryJoseph Pulitzer (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Joseph Pulitzer
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryErnie Pyle (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Ernie Pyle
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryPaul Revere (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Paul Revere
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryFranklin Delano Roosevelt (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Joseph Stalin; Winston Churchill
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryTheodore Roosevelt (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Theodore Roosevelt
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryBetsy Ross (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Betsy Ross; George Washington
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryGeorge Washington (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: George Washington
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryThomas Woodrow Wilson (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Biography | Characters: Woodrow Wilson
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
Comic StoryThe Wright Brothers (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Aviation; Biography | Characters: Orville Wright; Wilbur Wright
NotesPer Harry Mendryk, Joe Simon claimed he drew the entire issue. Nick Caputo suspects some minimal Kirby involvement.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesOn inside back cover.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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