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Western Roundup 8 (inc)

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Western Roundup
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Notesnon-PD pages removed
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Book Cover For Western Roundup 8 (inc)
Western Roundup 8 (inc) (7 of 7)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By The Australian Panther
These books all come with the proviso, 'All NonPD pages removed' fair enough. This book had a 10 page story illustrated by Morris Gollub removed. The characters are 'Ricky and Champion' who have not been removed in other issues. Odd. What currently NonOPD characters were in these books?
Additional Information
PublicationOctober-December 1954 | Price: 0.25 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: quarterly
NotesFloating heads cover. Drawing of rifle by some staff artist.
CoverWestern Roundup
CreditsPencils:? (painting);? (photos) | Inks:? (painting);? (photos) | Colors:? (painting);? (photos) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Roy Rogers (photo); Gene Autry (photo); Johnny Mack Brown (photo); Bill Elliott (photo); Johnny Mack Brown (photo)
NotesFloating heads cover. Drawing of rifle by some staff artist.
IllustrationRoy Rogers photo (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Roy Rogers (photo); Trigger (horse, photo)
Notesinside front cover. Even-numbered issues have Roy's photo in this position. Odd-numbered issues have Gene Autry's photo in this position.
Comic StoryThe Bighorn Hunt (14 pages)
SynopsisGene helps a friend of his fight a land-grabber.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Gene Autry; Champion; Cary Shelton; Luther Cragg
NotesLettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
ActivityIndian Guess Game (1 page)
SynopsisInterpretations of various Indian signs.
CreditsPencils: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Inks: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Letters: August Lenox
Comic StoryFreelance Lawmen (10 pages)
SynopsisRicky and Champion track two fur thieves.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Champion; Ricky; Uncle Smoky
NotesScript + art and lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
ActivityIndian Quiz (2 pages)
SynopsisQuestions about various Indian tools and adages.
CreditsPencils: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Inks: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Letters: August Lenox
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Comic StoryTrouble on the Line (14 pages)
SynopsisRoy investigates the disappearance of a friend.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Roy Rogers; Chris Wilkes; Sheriff Hite; Biff Shelton
NotesArt + lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
Text StoryWhen Gramps Was a Boy (3 pages)
SynopsisGrampa Ames shares some of his boyhood adventures with his grandson.
CreditsPencils: Tony Sgroi | Inks: Tony Sgroi | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Jimmy Ames; Grandpa Ames
NotesArt identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
Comic StoryTrap a Wild One (10 pages)
SynopsisUncle Mike relates how Trigger and Bullet helped save a friend's horse ranch.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Uncle Mike Hanford; Trigger; Bullet; Bruce Gooden
NotesArt identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
Text StoryA Picture Map of Western History (9 pages)
SynopsisShort stories about various states of the West.
CreditsPencils: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Inks: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Letters: typeset; August Lenox
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Clue of the Unfired Gun (10 pages)
SynopsisOne of Johnny's friends is framed for bank robbery by an unscrupulous rancher.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Johnny Mack Brown; Erwin; Rod Baer
NotesArt identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
Comic StoryThe Coyote (10 pages)
SynopsisBill tracks an elusive bandit.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Bill Elliott; Lou Armen; Hazy Dimmit; Sheriff Neal; Pete Armen
NotesThis was identified as Bud Thompson ? by Alberto Becattini (December 2010), but it is Tom Cooke, artist of the Rodeo Rick stories for DC, and recognized by his faces, horses and mostly by his very special lines inside the ears ending in a small round loop on the lobe.
ActivityIndian Wildlife Homes Game (1 page)
SynopsisDrawings of natural habitats of various animals.
CreditsPencils: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Inks: August Lenox [as Lenox] (signed) | Letters: August Lenox
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Comic StoryThe Frame Up (12 pages)
SynopsisRex matches wits with a crooked lawyer.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Rex Allen; Jimmie O'Brien; Steve Doyle
NotesArt identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
IllustrationGene Autry photo (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Gene Autry (photo)
Notesinside back cover. Gene Autry's photo appears in this position in even-numbered issues. Odd-numbered issues have a photo of Roy Rogers in this position.
IllustrationRiding Herd (1 page)
CreditsPencils: L. Willinger; Shostal (photo) | Inks: L. Willinger; Shostal (photo) | Colors: L. Willinger; Shostal (photo) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier
Notesback cover
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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