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All-Story Weekly v102 2

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The All-Story Magazine
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Book Cover For All-Story Weekly v102 2
All-Story Weekly v102 2 (11 of 14)
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Additional Information
ContentAll-Story Weekly [v102 #2, October 4, 1919] (The Frank A. Munsey Co., 10c, pulp, cover by Modest Stein) Details supplied by Gary Garner.
Page 177Where Dead Men Walk [Part 1 of 4] - Henry Leverage
Page 201The Man in the Moon - Homer Eon Flint
Page 218Out of His Head - Eugene A. Clancy
Page 229Ashes to Ashes [Part 2 of 6] - Isabel Ostrander
Page 249Environment - William Holloway
Page 258Lovely Child - Harry Kemp (The Cavalier Mar 1 1913)
Page 259The Ivory Pipe [Part 3 of 3; Prince Abdul Omar of Persia (Semi-Dual)] - J. U. Giesy & Junius B. Smith
Page 286Taming of Jim Bater - H. P. Holt
Page 292The Volcanologist - Philip M. Fisher, Jr.
Page 306The Guardian of the Gate [Sgt. Lancey] - L. Patrick Greene
Page 314The Draft - Clinton Scollard (The Cavalier Mar 1910)
Page 315Comrades of Peril [Part 5 of 6] - Randall Parrish
Page 335Censored - Diana & Morris Turk
Page 340Tribute - H. F. Grinstead
Page 342Prince, Potentate or Potato - Eugene P. Lyle
Page 349Heart to Heart Talks - The Editor
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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