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More Fun Comics
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Book Cover For More Fun Comics 26
More Fun Comics 26 (20 of 24)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Rintintin
What does he mean by wireless on the boat on page 66? A telegram?
   By The Australian Panther
That would have been Telegraph. Telegraph key and morse code. My father [a captain at the time took me to see with him in 1959 and they were still using telegraph then, but wirelessly of course. And during the war, Telegraph may have been the preference as it would have been more appropriate to send messages in code.
   By comickraut
Wonderful cover picture, it just made my day :-)
Additional Information
PublicationNovember 1937 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
NotesKid and turkey.
ContentGenre: Humor
NotesKid and turkey.
Publisher advertisementA Landslide!
FeaturingNew Adventure Comics
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover. Cover of New Adventure Comics #21.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover.
Comic StoryThe Gas Murders, Part 1 (3 pages)
SynopsisSandra investigates a man who may be murdering people with gas.
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra McLane [Number 37]; Mr. Ames; Mr. Martin [Alex Nussdorf]
SynopsisA scientist pleads for Dr. Occult to go into the ether world to save his assistant, then attempts to kill him.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Fantasy | Characters: unnamed scientist (death)
SynopsisRacers are identified by letters on their backs.
FeaturingJust for Fun
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Sam Rumona; Flash Jones
CartoonSonny Meets the Emancipated Woman!!
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Sonny
CreditsLetters: typeset
SynopsisLarry surprises some boys running the school show with his harmonica playing.
CreditsLetters:?; typeset
ContentCharacters: Larry
SynopsisPep has problems at an athletic experiment.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sports | Characters: Miss Jones; Mr. Pinnhead
NotesKeith Chandler : Flessel was previously credited as scripter, but according to the Who's Who only supplied pencils and inks.
SynopsisWing faces Jim again in the battalion field day boxing event.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Military | Characters: Wing Brady; Jim Padgett
Comic StoryPrince of Patrania, Part 26 (2 pages)
SynopsisCount Alex tries to kill the king.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Spike Spalding; Count Alex (villain); King Philip; Pincus
FeaturingFun Club
CreditsScript:? [as Jolly Bill] | Letters: typeset
Comic StoryEpisode 25 (2 pages)
SynopsisIvanhoe races to fight as Rebecca's champion.
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: Athelstane; Richard II; Rebecca; Brian deBois Gilbert; Ivanhoe; Cedric
SynopsisHanko takes Nancy to the dance, but borrows his boss' suit without asking.
FeaturingHanko the Cowhand
ContentGenre: Humor; Western-frontier | Characters: Hanko; Nancy
NotesKeith Chandler : Flessel was previously credited as scripter, but according to the Who's Who only supplied pencils and inks.
Comic StoryFang Gow of China, Part 26 (2 pages)
SynopsisBarry is captured by Fang Gow.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Barry O'Neill; Jean Le Grand; Doctor Bonfils; Fang Gow; Ling Foo
NotesO'Mealia was previously credited with scripting.
SynopsisStubby films Steve trying to land a swordfish.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Stubby; Steve
Comic StoryThe Murder of Lord Greystone, Part 1 (2 pages)
SynopsisA friend of Professor Hillary's is murdered and Mark and Monty investigate.
FeaturingMark Marson
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Mark Marson; Monty Montague; Professor Hillary; Captain Waldo; Thor (watchman)
SynopsisTom figures out a way to sink another man's date with Nita.
FeaturingThe Bradley Boys
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Tom Bradley; Jack Bradley; Nita Noble
Text ArticleThe Monarch Butterfly
FeaturingThe Nature Study Corner
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Nature
FeaturingJest Jokes
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Burlingame; Private Sullivan
NotesSigned in several places as "Whit Ellsworth," "F. W. Ellsworth," "Fred W. Ellsworth," "F. W. E.," "Freddy Ellsworth," "F. Whitney Ellsworth," "Frederick Whitney Ellsworth," "Mr. Ellsworth," and "^ (His Mark)". Nine one-panel cartoons.
Comic StoryEpisode 16 (2 pages)
SynopsisD'Artagnan thinks he sees Madam Bonancieux with Aramis.
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: D'Artagnan; Madam Bonancieux; the Duke of Buckingham
NotesKeith Chandler : Elven was previously credited as scripter, but according to the Who's Who only supplied pencils and inks.
Comic StoryIsland Adventure, Part 16 (2 pages)
SynopsisPeople talk about Woozy while he's stuck on the island.
FeaturingWoozy Watts
ContentGenre: Adventure; Humor | Characters: Woozy Watts
ActivityPoser Page (1 page)
NotesTwo crossword-type puzzles, trace a picture in one line, and a rebus.
SynopsisUnc kicks a football and wants his dog to retrieve it.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Unc
SynopsisPlato reads a book on hypnotism.
FeaturingPlato Psmith
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Plato Psmith; Miss Spinks; Officer Cook
Comic StoryPart 14 (2 pages)
SynopsisCaptain Dennis's ship is captured by pirates.
FeaturingPirate Gold
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: Tsang-Li; Captain Dennis; Jeff
NotesKeith Chandler : Elven was previously credited as scripter, but according to the Who's Who only supplied pencils and inks.
SynopsisQueen Claudia sends Brad and Kardos to hunt a Baracula expecting them to die.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Brad Hardy; Kardos; Queen Claudia
SynopsisAn article on new performers in Hollywood, Jane Dewey, Evelyne Keyes, Walter Lawrence, and Mischa Auer.
FeaturingTalk About Talkies
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Jane Dewey (photo)
CreditsLetters: typeset
SynopsisJunior saves Delilah from a bull.
FeaturingSampson, Jr.
ContentGenre: Humor; Children | Characters: Sampson Jr.; Delilah; Dick Dare (picture)
Comic StoryLinda and the Lumberjacks, Part 3 (2 pages)
SynopsisIt's mail day at camp.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Children | Characters: Linda; Scotty; Yvonne Darling; Jones
SynopsisDick helps Jack capture the gang.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Jack Woods; Dick Ailey; Pappa Benson (villain); Slug Malone (villain); Ma Nelson
Comic StoryHenry I "The Fowler" of Germany (2 pages)
SynopsisJane and Johnny learn about Henry the first of Germany.
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Jane; Johnny; Henry I
SynopsisSam used to work on a cattle boat.
FeaturingSam the Porter
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Sam
CartoonFrank Davis (1 page)
FeaturingIt's a Fact
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Frank Davis; Francis Sommer
NotesInside back cover. Four facts.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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