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New Fun
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Book Cover For New Fun 1
New Fun 1 (1 of 7)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Joojoobears
Unfortunately missing the Barry O'Neill page featuring the 1st Fang Gow, by some accounts the 1st supervillain.
   By Joojoobears
Additional Information
PublicationFebruary 1935 | Price: 0.10 USD; 0.25 CAD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
NotesThe cover is a one-page story. Based on "The Aristocrat" from Adventure magazine (June 1, 1928).
CoverDon Nogales - Cattle Rustler, Part 1
SynopsisJack is captured in the middle of the night by Don Nogales and his assistant Miguel. The men carry him to Don Nogales' ranch in Mexico. Once arrived there, Jack manages to ditch the custody of Miguel by his own physical prowess, throwing him to the ground and taking away his gun. When he goes in search of Don Nogales, the fallen man stands with the intention of throwing a knife at Jack.
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery; Western-frontier | Characters: Jack Woods (introduction); Don Nogales (villain, introduction); Miguel
NotesThe cover is a one-page story. Based on "The Aristocrat" from Adventure magazine (June 1, 1928).
CreditsHello Everybody: Here's the New Magazine You've Been Waiting For! (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesTable of contents and an introductory essay about the comic, plus the indicia and a coupon soliciting reader feedback.
Comic StoryThe Gavonian Affair, Part 1
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra (introduction); Lothar (introduction)
Comic StoryMmm. Slippery Ice
SynopsisOswald goes ice skating, but quickly his feet fly out from under him.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit (introduction)
NotesOswald, originally a Disney creation and visually the immediate predecessor of Mickey Mouse, was at this point owned by Universal Pictures. According to Bob Rozakis at it was probably the presence of this licensed feature that discouraged DC from reprinting this issue as part of their Millennium Edition reprint series, despite its historic significance. As there never was an Oswald newspaper strip, these are not reprints. They also feature the black furred version of Oswald, not the then current white-furred version.
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Jigger (introduction); Ginger (introduction)
NotesThis is not Joe Shuster.
Comic StoryAhh. Oops!!
SynopsisOswald continues to ice skate, but his feet come out from under him again.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Barry O'Neill (introduction); Le Grande (introduction); Fu-Yah; Ivan; Fang Gow
NotesBased on "The Horror of Fang Gow" from Top-Notch Magazine (February 1933).
Comic StoryWatch Some Trickstuff - Blam!!
SynopsisOswald tries skating in a circle and falls flat on his face.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit
SynopsisPre-teens Bobby and Binks shelter from a storm in an old house. There they spot a crystal ball which glows and expands to engulf them, and they find themselves in Egypt in 4,000 B.C.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Bobby (introduction); Binks (introduction)
Comic StoryWhew! Figure-Eights, Backward an' -- Again!
SynopsisOswald continues ice skating when he performs one "clever" move too many and ends up flat on his back.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit
Comic StoryThe Bedouins, Part 1
SynopsisWing and Slim, after spotting code signals from Corporal Levun and his men, who are being attacked by hostile Bedouins, get permission from the Captain to try and rescue the men.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Wing Brady (introduction); Slim (introduction); Corporal Levun (introduction); un-named Foreign Legion Captain (introduction); a group of Bedouins (villains, introduction, some die)
Comic StoryGosh, What's Happenin' Now??
SynopsisStill ice skating, Oswald collides with a rope warning of danger and ignominiously ends up on his front.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: Wilfred of Ivanhoe (introduction; not named, referred to as "a stranger"); Wamba (introduction); Gurth (introduction); Prior Aymor (introduction); Brian (introduction); Cedric the Saxon (introduction)
NotesAdapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel. Art is not by Tom Cooper as previously stated.
Comic StoryAh, an Idea -- And It Works!!
SynopsisOswald converts the danger sign he collided with earlier into a sled.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Oswald the Rabbit
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Judge Perkins (introduction)
NotesSignature matches Bert Salg's signature on book covers.
ContentGenre: Science Fiction; Sword And Sorcery | Characters: Don Drake (introduction); Betty (introduction); Midget men
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Loco Luke (introduction); Black Dan (villain, introduction)
Text StorySpook Ranch (1.67 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: "Vic" Riley
NotesText story with illustrations.
AdvertisementWhich One Gets the Job?
FeaturingNational Correspondence Schools
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Scrub Hardy (introduction)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Jack Andrews (introduction)
Text ArticleBathysphere, A Martian Dream
SynopsisFactual description of Dr. Beebe's use of the Bathysphere to explore the oceans.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction; Math & Science | Characters: Dr. William Beebe
The Insult That Made a Man out of "Mac"
Publisher advertisementNext Fun
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesPromo for New Fun. Invites readers to send in names of 5 friends who haven't seen New Fun yet, and they will send you a nice and unusual souvenir.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
AdvertisementJack "Puts One Over" on His Boy Friend!
SynopsisAn advertisement for Jowett Institute of Physical Culture.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesTwo additional small advertisements on this page.
Text ArticleThe Dial Twister
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Buck Rogers; Wilma Deering; Spike Butler [Walter Tesley]
NotesPhotographs of radio stars from Buck Rogers and Thrills of Tomorrow.
FeaturingMidwest Radio Corp.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAd for 16 tube all wave radio. Only $57.50
AdvertisementSharpest Blade I've Ever Used!
FeaturingProbak Junior Blades
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Dizzy Dean (photograph of)
NotesAn advertisement for Probak Junior blades with a photograph of baseball star Dizzy Dean. 25 blades for 59 cents.
Text ArticleTalk of the Talkies
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Tim McCoy; Johnny Mack Brown
NotesLives of a Bengal Lancer, Rustlers of Red Gap, Sequoia, David Copperfield
AdvertisementLearn Music This Quick, Easy Way
FeaturingU. S. School of Music
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesUS School of Music course advertisement.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
Text ArticleA Stratosphere Plane?
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
FeaturingThe Weil Company, Inc.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAdvertisement for the Weil Belt.
ActivityHow to Build a Model of Hendrik Hudson's Half Moon (1.67 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
FeaturingThe Shav-Easy Foundation
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
NotesAdvertisement offering a free membership in the Shav-Easy Foundation.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Cap'n Erik (introduction); Butch
Comic StoryIndian Ambush, Part 1 (1 page)
SynopsisJim Kenyon, en route to California, arrives in New Orleans. Trying to catch up on foot with the departed wagon train, he hears cries for help and rescues a trapper from quicksand. Riding on the trapper's horse after the wagon train they are waylaid by Indians.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Buckskin Jim Kenyon (introduction); Trapper Pete (introduction)
Text ArticleStreamline Train That Talks
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
AdvertisementNow - Get into One of These Big Pay Fields!
FeaturingCoyne Electrical School
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
NotesAd promoting learning skills to obtain jobs in electrical, radio, television, and talking pictures.
Text ArticleBeginning a Collection
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
AdvertisementShe Got $400 for a Half Dollar
FeaturingB. Max Mehl
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph) | Letters: typeset
NotesAd for a company that will pay cash for old coins, bills, and stamps.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesTips for a young homemaker.
FeaturingWilson Chem. Co.
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
NotesAd for a variety of products, including a safety rifle, watches, an electric radio, a banjo, a guitar, and a wagon.
ContentGenre: Children | Characters: Lefty (introduction); Slimsy (introduction); Lefty's uncle (introduction); Old Man Spinks (introduction)
ContentGenre: Humor; Historical | Characters: Ur (introduction); Wur (introduction)
Activity1st Episode: Tad among the Pirates (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Tad (introduction)
NotesStrips of square frames of art and text designed to be cut out and viewed through "screen" which is another cutout in a larger panel.
SynopsisWell-meaning imp Bubby gives a sleeping boy help with his homework, but his mischievous counterpart Beevil later sneaks in and spills ink all over it.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Bubby (introduction); Beevil (introduction); Jacky; his mother
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pelion (introduction); Ossa (introduction)
NotesCharacters are named after two mountains in Greece. Ancient myths refer to "piling Pelion on Ossa" in order to reach the gods. Page includes a pantomime strip by Dick Loederer promoting New Fun at the bottom.
SynopsisRex and friends leave for the Galapagos Islands in Professor Shanley's new invention, the Hi-Lo (a stratoplane-submarine), to investigate the disappearance of five U.S. ships.
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Rex (introduction); Professor Shanley (introduction); Joan Shanley (introduction, the professor's daughter)
AdvertisementNew Easy Way to Learn Aviation (1 page)
FeaturingIdeal Aeroplane and Supply Co. Inc.
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
NotesAd for building Ideal Super-Detail flying planes.
SynopsisJimmy and Jane try to warn Tom of an ambush.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Tom Mix; Jane; Wrangler; Jimmy; unnamed smugglers
NotesOn the back cover. Advertisement done in comic format for Ralston Wheat Cereal and the Tom Mix radio show on WEAF and the NBC Red Network. Includes coupon for a free "Dandy Zyp Gun"! Sequence added by Doc Mars via the GCD Error Tracker, with help from Allen Ross.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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