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Super Detective Library 50 - Lost Underworld

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Super Detective Library
Date | Number: 50 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesFeaturing Paul and Rita Darrow. Cover and art - Raymond Poivet. Script - Roger Lecureaux. Reprint of Les Pionniers de L'Esperance, 1951, from French comic, Pif Gadget, with linking art by Bill Lacey.
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Book Cover For Super Detective Library 50 - Lost Underworld
Super Detective Library 50 - Lost Underworld (53 of 161)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By crashryan
Which American newspaper strip does this reprint? In places it looks like Paul Norris, in others a Raymond disciple who draws better than Norris...but it doesn't look familiar.
   By The Australian Panther
This is only part of a longer story, as the abrupt ending occurs only because they ran out of pages. Anybody know if this was continued in another edition of Super Detective Library? Can't make up my mind if this is US in origin or British. Its very mid-Atlantic. I'd also love to know where it came from and who the artist was. An Artist and storyteller this good didn't come from nowhere.
   By Andrew999
I had never heard of Paul & Rita Darrow before but look forward to reading more adventures. This one had everything - Lost World, Centre of the Earth, A Million Years BC, a cameo appearance from Son of Kong and blonde-haired fish maidens - always a favourite. Poignantly, Paul Darrow (the actor who played the late, great, never to be repeated, Avon in Blake's Seven) died earlier this year. Were the two related? Probably not - but coincidences unnerve me. The pages posted in the wrong order create an interesting post-modern effect - I pretended they were timeslips - but they could equally be life-affirming visions from characters under stress - Betty looked about to explode; scenes from a parallel world intruding into our own, or the effects of too much alcohol - your choice (or, if you are really really boring, you could just choose to read the pages in the correct order)
Additional Information
PublicationPrice: 9d [0-0-9 GBP] | Pages: 1 | Frequency: The first Thursday of each month
CoverLost in the Underworld
FeaturingPaul and Rita Darrow
CreditsPencils:? (painted) | Inks:? (painted) | Colors:? (painted)
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery
Comic StoryLost in the Underworld (64 pages)
FeaturingPaul and Rita Darrow
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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