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Real Love
Date | Number: 49 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesKracalactaka scans movielover-Novus edits
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Book Cover For Real Love 49
Real Love 49 (26 of 52)
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Additional Information
PublicationAugust 1952 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Monthly
CreditsPencils:? (painting) | Inks:? (painting) | Colors:? (painting) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Romance
Comic StoryMy Guilty Silence (8 pages)
SynopsisTeenager Katie has a crush on Frank; her older sister Anne also loves him. Katie sees Frank kissing “easy” Serena and makes Frank promise to go away or she’ll inform her parents that he’s been molesting her. Years pass and Katie becomes engaged to Travis. They fly home to meet her parents, and discover Anne has reunited with Frank and plans to marry him. Frank, mostly interested in inheriting Anne's family farm, threatens to ruin Katie’s relationship with Travis by lying about their “affair,” but his philandering is exposed and Anne is spared a bad marriage.
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Frank Gormier; Serena Dolan; Katie Landis; Anne Landis; Mr. Landis; Mrs. Landis; Travis Keane
Comic StoryThe Price of Loving Him (7 pages)
SynopsisRon introduces his fiancee Cindy to his hockey-playing brother Steve. Cindy falls in love with Steve but when he’s proven to be a bad sport and womaniser she goes back to Ron.
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Cindy; Ron; Steve; Ruby
Comic StoryAlibi Kisses (8 pages)
SynopsisAfter her fiancé Lee goes out of town, Janice accepts a ride from café owner David; he flirts with her, but she resists his charms. When David is later accused of murder, Janice can provide him with an alibi but doesn’t want to get involved because the scandal would hamper Lee’s chance for a promotion at work. Her conscience forces her to clear David and it turns out Lee was also lying: he saw the murder but refused to come forward. Janice marries David instead.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Lee Bates; David Salvador; Janice; Beth
Text ArticleMake-up to Men (2 pages)
FeaturingThe Charm Corner
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
Comic StoryIn the Name of a Dream (7 pages)
SynopsisTo help her fiancé Chick finance his medical school education, Molly accepts a promotion to secretary and an advance on her salary from her boss Brian. Chick becomes jealous and breaks up with Molly, transferring his attentions to Rose, whose father runs a successful medical practice. Chick tells Molly that Brian is spending his money on her instead of having a needed operation on his spine. Molly sells her ring, the house Brian bought, and everything else to help pay Brian’s medical fees. The operation is a success and they will live happily ever after.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Chick Henley; Molly; Brian Bender; Rose Lewis
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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