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Weird Tales v2 2 - The People Of The Comet - Austin Hall

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Weird Tales
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Book Cover For Weird Tales v2 2 - The People Of The Comet - Austin Hall
Weird Tales v2 2 - The People Of The Comet - Austin Hall (7 of 16)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By The Australian Panther
Otis Adelbert Klein, Ambrose Bierce, Vincent Starrett.
Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.25 | Pages: 100 | Cover Artist: R. M. Mally
PublisherThe Rural Publishing Corp. | Editor : Edwin Baird
Notes Jul./Aug. ← Sep. 1923→Oct. 1923 Vol II, No 2. Data from the Girasol Collectibles facsimile of this issue.
Page: 3The People of the Comet (Part 1 of 2) - serial by Austin Hall
Page: 3The People of the Comet (Part 1 of 2) - interior artwork by Heitman
Page: 17The Black Patch - by Julian Kilman
Page: 17The Black Patch - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 19The Soul of Peter Andrus - by Hubert La Due
Page: 23The Case of Dr. Johnstone - by Burton Peter Thom
Page: 26The Dead-Naming of Lukapehu - short story by P. D. Gog
Page: 27The Cup of Blood - by Otis Adelbert Kline
Page: 27The Cup of Blood - interior artwork by Heitman
Page: 33Black Magic - essay by Alphonse Louis Constant
Page: 35The Devil's Cabin - by Vance Hoyt
Page: 35|35.1After Reading "The Devil's Cabin" - essay by Rupert Hughes
Page: 39The Old Burying Ground - by Edgar Lloyd Hampton
Page: 39The Old Burying Ground - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 47|47.1Sisters Prefer Death to Charity - essay by uncredited
Page: 47|47.2Female Buddha Slain - essay by uncredited
Page: 48Sunfire (Part 2 of 2) - serial by Francis Stevens
Page: 59The Gorilla - by Horatio Vernon Ellis
Page: 59The Gorilla - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 62The Talisman - by Nadia Lavrova
Page: 64The Autobiography of a Blue Ghost - by Don Mark Lemon
Page: 70The Damned Thing - by Ambrose Bierce
Page: 72Rare Animals Discovered on Dipsomania Isle - essay by uncredited
Page: 73The Teak-Wood Shrine - by Farnsworth Wright
Page: 75The Money Lender - by Vincent Starrett
Page: 77The Bloodstained Parasol - by James Ravenscroft
Page: 79|79.1The Eyrie (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by The Editor
Page: 79|79.2Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Zahrah E. Preble
Page: 79|79.3Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by F. A. Ells-Over
Page: 80|80.4Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by H. P. Lovecraft
Page: 80|80.3Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Paul Ellsworth Triem
Page: 80|80.1Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Curtis F. Day
Page: 80|80.2Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Catherine H. Griggs
Page: 82|82.1Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Just Another Weird One
Page: 82|82.2Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Charles White
Page: 82|82.3Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Maxine Worthington
Page: 82|82.4Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Paul Bratton
Page: 84|84.1Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Dick P. Tooker
Page: 84|84.2Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Mrs. E. L. Depew
Page: 84|84.3Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by John James Arthur, Jr.
Page: 84|84.4Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by William Moesel
Page: 84|84.5Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by V. Van Blascom Parke
Page: 84|84.6Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by C. D. Bradley
Page: 84|84.7Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by R. Linwood Lancaster
Page: 84|84.8Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by H. Cusick
Page: 84|84.9Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by V. H. Bethell
Page: 86|86.1The Cauldron (Weird Tales, September 1923) - essay by Preston Langley Hickey
Page: 86|86.2Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923): Pat McClosky's Ghost - essay by J. P. Cronister
Page: 86|86.3Letter (Weird Tales, September 1923): The Velvet Death - essay by Henry Trefon
Page: 87Arthur Armstrong's Predicament - essay by D. G. Prescott, Jr.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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